ESP32 S3 Box3

1070 has only 8GB VRAM thats very low but maybe you can load the llama2_7B into it or some smaller model, I recommend to join and ask this on maybe someone has tried on 1070. Worst case it does not run but at least you will have everything else ready other then getting a newer GPU. Basic steps are:

  1. install proxmox
  2. enable the GPU pass thru to the virtual machine (ubuntu 22.04)
  3. enable CPU AVX flags pass thru to the virtual machine (many ppl miss this part) just change the VM settings for CPU to “HOST”
  4. Install nvidia GPU driver , CUDA version 12.x nowadays
  5. check if the GPU is available on the VM with command nvidia-smi
  6. Install ollama or if you want to use the GPU for other things like Frigate, then install frigate in a docker and pass thru the virtual GPU to the container.

will take time to figure out and setup all these but once running it runs “forever”

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I’m looking on the internet to buy 3x NCR18650B Panasonic for the BOX-3. Viewed some vids on YouTube and there seems to be a lot of FAKE manufactured batteries sold on Amazone / Ebay / Ali etc.

What are the best websites for the genuine NCR18650B Panasonic for a sound price? Might want to share a link? Thanks

I use for my vape batteries.

Aw man! Is the search box broke again?

You might want to narrow that question down to an individual country. Shipping batteries isnt cheap and its best to start your search closer and then move out. I know a couple in the US but if your in EU, my places wont be very helpful.

Prices are sky high on amazon and if you use ebay or especially aliexpress, you must do due diligence and ask around for reputable vendors. That place is full of scammers who and vendors selling fake, damaged or rewrapped batteries to make them appear to be something its not. You cant even use the ratings system there because its all fake.

Batteries are targeted heavily by scammers on aliexpress too. Buying lipo or lifepo4 cells is like playing in traffic. Your gonna get hit by someone sooner than later.

Thanks to those helping me out.

I have narrowed down my GooGle search with “protected + ic” and luckily found a seller in The Netherlands, avoiding scammers all around the world.

Panasonic rechargeable Li-Ion battery 3400mAh NCR18650B PCB protected Lithium-Ion battery 3.7V 3400mAh with tip and security iC @ euro 7,95 each.

I fiercely want to avoid a blow or fire with these scammed batteries. Quite a criminal act to sell these sh*tty products.

Will post back after receiving, as I will do some check with a friend who knows electronics. :smiley:

Welcome to the interwebs.

This battery with protection DON’T fit in the casing of my BOX-3.

Why didn’t Espressif also calculate the size of protected batteries, which are obvious a bit larger, but less common? :face_with_monocle:

I could use more force, but will surely break the casing at one size. With a bit more space, it could be done.




Anyone successfully installed the somewhat larger battery in theirs? Asked the vendor two questions?

  1. Do I need to remove the plastic sealing around the battery?

  1. Why the blanco silver sticker?

I’ve bought an 18650 battery recently, and it didn’t fit into the socket either.
I noticed, that the batteries you can buy are simulating the design of a type AA or AAA battery (especially on the + pole)…
Also, with their additional electronic, they are a bit larger than a standard 18650 which I’ve removed from a small and cheap solar-powered garden lamp …

The battery will fit into the socket if the protection electronic will be removed, but I would not do that - at least, as long I would have another type 18650 battery that does fit.

Now, I am considering a use-case for the other one :frowning:

I’m communicating with the vendor atm, what the best solution may be.

Keep you posted! :sunglasses:


Seize of the batteries

  • O 18 mm
  • L 65 mm or 67 mm with button (protected)

Here is the original datasheet from Panasonic

See height and specially weight, mine is only 35 gram / -13 gram less than its original.

Canceling and returning my purchase.

edit: corrected my tone of text.

Perhaps once you charge it up the extra electrons will make up the difference :slight_smile:

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haha I needed this :wink:

Mine was a normal 18650 without the IC protection but it did have the bump on the +'ve end like an AA or AAA. True 18650’s don’t have this bump nor any IC protection. With the bump, mine just fits with a wee bulge in the case on the +'ve end.

I bought mine at a local DIY shop Bunnings. Two for $13 (NZD).

The Sensor Dock for the S3-Box-3 has the IC protection built into the unit. The chip is in the schematics is an AP5056 and this provides the protection that you are looking for.

I think the 18650 you have is designed for something more consumer grade that has no protection on the charging circuit.

In my humble opinion, you’re best to use the “manufactured batteries sold on Amazon / Ebay / Ali” as that is what it is designed to use.

Sorry, prob not what you wanted to hear.

However, having said this, the 18650 spec describes the physical shape and dimensions and I see your spec sheet lists the length as 65.3mm. This is only 0.3mm longer than the spec. I think the chip is built inside the cell by subtracting a little of the active material so that the length is still the same. So it should still fit with some effort and care. No expert, but I don’t think the chip inside the Panasonic cell will interfere with the AP5056 charging chip.

Maybe, that is what you want to hear. :grin:

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Thanks a bunch for your detailed reply and pointing out and explaining that the Sensor Dock for the S3-Box-3 has the IC protection built into the unit. That’s a great relieve. TBH; I can’t read electronic schematics, so your post is a great addition to this thread, much appreciated.

Yes I do. :grin:

How did you manage to get the sensors without causing stability issues (i.e. without i2c)? do you mind sharing your configuration file?

I recoded the yaml file for the ESP32-S3-BOX-3

  name: esp32-s3-box-3
  friendly_name: ESP32 S3 Box 3 Voice Assistant

  esphome.voice-assistant: github://esphome/firmware/voice-assistant/esp32-s3-box-3.yaml@main

  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}

    key: *edited*

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

#  - id: bus_a
#    sda: GPIO08
#    scl: GPIO18
#    scan: true
#  - sda: GPIO41
#    scl: GPIO40
#    id: bus_b

# sensor:
#  - platform: aht10
#    i2c_id: bus_b
#    variant: AHT20
#    temperature:
#      name: "Temperature"
#    humidity:
#      name: "Humidity"
#    update_interval: 1s

  - platform: template
    name: "Mute when absent"
    id: mute_when_absent
    icon: mdi:account-right-arrow
    optimistic: true
    entity_category: config
    restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF

  - platform: template
    name: "Presence duration"
    id: radar_delayed_off
    icon: mdi:account-clock
    optimistic: true
    restore_value: true
    initial_value: 60
    min_value: 0
    step: 5
    max_value: 300
    unit_of_measurement: s
    entity_category: config
    mode: box

  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO21
    name: "Presence detect"
    disabled_by_default: false
    device_class: "occupancy"
      - delayed_off: !lambda return id(radar_delayed_off).state * 1000;
        - if:
              switch.is_on: mute_when_absent
              - switch.turn_on: mute
              - light.turn_off: led
        - if:
              switch.is_on: mute_when_absent
              - switch.turn_off: mute
              - light.turn_on: led
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Hi Nir. I don’t use the I2C bus for the radar sensor. Pin GPIO10 is connected directly to the output pin on the radar sensor chip.

I shared the yaml above at ESP32 S3 Box3 - #147 by HJM

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Thank you John. This works for me as well with the radar. I guess the temperature and humidity sensors can’t work without the I2C bus? You mentioned above you will recode it without the i2c.