ESP8266 gets reconised in HA but not the PIR, need some HELP!

What do you suggest as an alternative?

You do know there is a feature request section, maybe request there. Offer options which you think could be used

Isn’t the editor “syntax aware”? In the ESPHome addOn for HassOS/Supervised it is… At least I get a direct response while typing, eg. if the board type is not supported or if you choose PINs instead of full schemas (D5 vs. GPIO5).

Maybe you just missed it, there is a red “X” right left from the line number, if you hoover over it, you get a text with the error. :slight_smile:

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same happens with the standalone docker container, so there is some syntax checking going on.

this was with a bad indentation



I didn’t tell anything different but nice you added the pic.

The differnce is your bug is at line 16 which is visible while line 1 is visible aswell.
and since so it’s ok to get the ‘X’ at line 1 + the error information.

If your code problem happens at line 300 you simply see nothing while coding.
No ‘x’ nor an errorbox. You can code until line 2000000 and still see nothing until you scroll to the top of the code.
And the real fany thing is, the line of error is known and shown.
This is as if you get informed about running out of fuel when your engine stops due to no fuel, while your car likely knew about it might happen within the next 100 miles earlier.
In other words, if an error position is known the best way is to show it at that possition, against collecting it to present it somewhere else.

And yes, once I’m more skilled with HA (1,5 month playing with it now) I might consider to think about feature requests … .but not now while at noob-level. :slight_smile:

That’s only because what’s happening on line 16 is causing an error in the block defined on line 1.
Also the upload button isn’t clickable if there’s an error afaik

Code validation has been in esphome since 1.13, or nearly 2 years.