ESP8266 located in any network

Any reason for that? Setting up a public mqtt and securing/hardening it including enrolling https for encrypted traffic is more complicated nowadays then “just” set up a wireguard. :guardsman:

Did you investigate webhooks already? If you have a nabu casa subscription it can’t get much easier. :baby:

Also wireguard does not work on esp8266.

hence I wrote:

as @Confectious pointed out :point_down:

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Thanks all, i went with the wireguard method. It was a bit tricky for me as a noob and only having mikrotik Router OS6 but I eventually figured it out and I can now access my network remotely with mobile through wireguard app. I then configured my esp32 and got a handshake but only when on LAN, now struggling to figure out how do I connect the esp remotely.

Something I’ve discovered since this thread is ZeroTier. I’ve only done some light testing but it is worth investigating.

So you used a vpn after all.