ESP8266 Milight Hub and MQTT to control Milight RGB-CCT

Hi Petrica

group_id is set, just cut of by the screenshot.

I remove the availability section and now i my light changed the state from unavailable to off at least.

But i’m still not able to send any commands…

Under Configuration, Entities i can also find my light but its read-only…

Here the state i get from the light:

Also i was wondering about the HomeAssistant MQTT Discovery Prefix, should this not work?

As the screen mentions, “Set the representation of a device within Home Assistant. This will not communicate with the actual device” and you need to add the light to the Lovelace config in order to be able to control it.

I already added the entity in my lovelace and i can also see it sending to command on my MQTT Exporer.
But the Milight Hub does not seem to react on my commands…

Can you subscribe to milight/# topics in the same time when publishing and compare the results when sending commands from HA vs. the states topic when using ESPMH webpage?

# wildcard would return both commands and states topics.

I suspect the protocol used is wrong (depending on your bulb try either rgb_cct or fut089; rgb_cct package would be fine for RGBW bulb - some of the older types but rgbw would not work with RGB+CCT or FUT089 bulbs)

So after i tried to check the topics as you said i did not get any response over mqtt i got suspicious and replaced my NodeMCU with a Wemos D1 mini i had laying around… And Voila it works,so yeah not sure if its broken or if there is a problem with the compatibility with the NodeMCU v3.
So yeah, thanks for your help anyway :slight_smile:

Ask developer on Github if his build is compatible with NodeMCU V3?