ESPHome device shows offline but connected when I check my router

Please respond here as well. I also raised an issue with the ESPHome developers and was quickly dismissed. (Disregarded actually).

Yes, but IF IT’S WORKING … DON’t FIX (update) IT.

What I do now is to turn off the firmware update entity. I will update the existing and working devices only as needed.

In the Updates section of Settings, click on the device icon.
Click on the gear icon:
From here, disable the firmware entity. Now you will never see the update notification.


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yeah they pointed to another topic about this and did nothing in both mine or the other topic so far…

I do agree with many in here that it is concerning that so many people are talking about this issue and to see no response at all or any mentioning about it in the updates from the devs

Did you disable the firmware entity as I showed above?
You may also need to refresh your browser and erase the cache (ctrl-F5).

it seems the latest version did fix the device. Lesson learned, always backup bin files of working versions to revert back to…

I am having this issue with the latest ESP Home 2024.6.6 Any one else? I have 5 units all with the latest firmware. They all report to Home Assistant and I can see their logs. But 3 of them show as offline

Same issue, all of my ESP32 devices show offline in esphome but logs can be updated and OTA updates work fine. Sensor data is sent fine to home assistant as well.

On latest home assistant 2024.7.0 and ESP home 2024.6.6.

I am having this issue when i try to update to ESPHome 2024.6.6

HARDWARE: ESP8266 80MHz, 80KB RAM, 4MB Flash
Library Manager: Installing ShiftRegister74HC595 @ 1.2
Warning! Could not find the package with 'ShiftRegister74HC595 @ 1.2' requirements for your system 'linux_aarch64'

has anyone encountered this problem?

No and it is in noway related to the topic you just replied to :yawning_face:

You can read how to ask a good question and (after reading) open a new topic with your problem :point_down:

seriously? maybe you look at the first post, who started this topic before you jump in to answer…

Yes, the problem in this topic is:

ESPHome device shows offline but connected when I check my router :warning:

The only thing and you and the the thread starter in 2021 had in common was the use of the same hardware component (shift register). Maybe you even use a esp8266 too - we don’t know as you didn’t provide the basics (yaml etc.) needed to get a qualified answer (beside posting at the wrong location) :wink:

Again! Try the link on how to help us help you :pray:

I don’t understand why you insist on this topic?
Why open another topic as long as it is very possible to find an answer here, as long as the person who opened this topic uses the same library and the same configuration as me.

Because this topic is about pears and you have troubles with your apples :pear: :arrows_counterclockwise: :apple:

For now we have no clue about what you are using or how your configuration looks like. It really comes down to you helping us :sos:

I said above that I use the SAME configuration…
let’s close the discussion, we seem to be getting nowhere.

Certainly not a sane one :joy:

Why not use the native esphome component for that hardware but include external libraries that just will getgot you in trouble on the long run :running_man:

PS.: @Virgil_Popa you are still in the wrong thread :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

When I made this automation, I don’t think this component existed, that’s why I was using this “sane” option.

Thanks for the information.

P.S: As long as I found a solution, it means that I was in the right thread :stuck_out_tongue:

No, it just means it’s tolerated for people to post in the wrong place (like you certainly did) :teacher:

yes, looks like you have a problem with this…
I think I explained quite clearly why I posted here, I’m sorry to bother you, cheers!

I’ve been experiencing this issue consistently for several months. I can confirm that mDNS is working correctly, have set the “use ping” setting, most of my devices are still showing as “offline”.

Had the same issue and tried all sorts of config changes for mdns and ping with no success. Issue fixed with lates version ESPHome 2024.8.0.