Esphome entities weird behavior

Hello all,

I cannot figure out what is happening with my esphome entities. In the Picture below you can see that some are shown in green and some in red. When I started with esphome, a red mark meant that the entity was down or unavailable. But the weird thing now is that all the red ones are very much accessible. I can use all the switches and sensors defined in them. But still they show red. This goes away for a bit after a restart. Sometimes not even after a restart.

What does this behavior mean?

The devices marked in red are not reachable by the addon. You would not be able to do an OTA update to these devices from the addon.

The addon has nothing to do with the device connection to the Home Assistant integration. You can shut down and delete the addon and the ESPHome devices will still happily work with Home Assistant.

It is likely that the addon has an issue connecting to your devices via mDNS.

I’m assuming you do not set static IP addresses for your devices?

You should.

I have set static IPs and the addon can see them. Here is what the log shows when clicking on one of the red ones:

This makes it so confusing. All seems to be working fine. I can even sent and OTA update to them.

I’m having that same issue from time to time. Try to refresh the page a few times and it will be green again.

I haven’t found any issue with the red (or sometimes grey) headers. The devices are reachable and work as expected (in ESPHome). In HA they do show as well and work as expected.

I guess it’s just a hickup, as the time frame for getting green is sometimes short, and with a lot of ESP devices…

yes this is more annoying than a problem. it just makes it difficult to tell which work and which don’t work at all. I can only tell from the interface when the buttons tun grey.
refreshing the page doesn’t help no matter how many times I do it. only a restart sometimes works.
maybe after another update!

ESPHome uses mDNS to determine status. You can ask it to use ping instead — on Docker, you need to set the ESPHOME_DASHBOARD_USE_PING environment variable to true. I don’t know how you’d do that with the add-on.

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Ah well that’s good news. You just need to refresh your browser cache.

this was super helpful! I found this setting in the addon! here is how to do it:

There is this toggle: Show unused optional configuration options and there you can find the use ping option. I enabled that and bam! all is green again!

Thank you for pointing this out! I will set your comment as the solution!