ESPhome IR Blaster example

Any code for Epson 3020 projector?

This thread at the avsforum may offer some insight.

Hi Fred,
I would like the ir receiver to receive command from remote controller and then forward it to the remote transmitter.
I use the following and it created a loop as the transmitter just send data and remote receiver receive and send back again.

  id: ir_receiver
    number: D5 # GPIO14
    allow_other_uses: True
    inverted: True
    mode: OUTPUT_OPEN_DRAIN    
    - lg
    - raw
  tolerance: 45%  
    - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
        data: !lambda |-
        uint32_t data = 0;
        if (x.containsKey("data"))
          data = x["data"];
        return data;
        nbits: !lambda |-
        uint8_t nbits = 32;
        if (x.containsKey("nbits"))
          nbits = x["nbits"];
        return nbits;        
    - logger.log:  "Forward the LG code to IR transmitter."
  carrier_duty_percent: 100%
  id: ir_transmitter
    number: D5
    allow_other_uses: True
    inverted: true

How can I solve this problem. My case is: I want the climate entity to update the temperature shown on HA in both case: (1) using HA to control and (2) using remote controller to control the LG AC. I could controll the AC from HA already but it does not update the value on climate entity shown on dashboard if command is send from the remote controller. I planned to use a global variable (is_forwarded) to check then stop sending if is_forwarded is true! But I could not manage to do so!
Thanks for your attention

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Hello, trying to solve the same issue (but with AUX climate), have you succeeded finally? My case is even worse as AUX is not supported natively and i used heatpumpir platform to send signals to climate:

  - platform: heatpumpir
    name: "AUX"
    id: birusa_climate
    protocol: aux
    min_temperature: 16
    max_temperature: 32
    vertical_default: down
    horizontal_default: auto
      min_temperature: 16 °C
      max_temperature: 32 °C
      temperature_step: 1.0 °C        

But in order to forward information from traditional remote, I’m afraid I need to parse RAW data from receiver :frowning:

hey can you please help me with a better diagram as to what pins connect where?

A friend of mine told me that he just solved with this on climatic component
header_high: 3265us
header_low: 9856us

Check more here, he follow this :IR Transmitter, not quite (hack) · esphome/esphome · Discussion #2078 · GitHub

Hallo, ich versuche, das gleiche Problem zu lösen (aber mit AUX-Klima)

Hello @CarManBelarus,

I know this post is a bit old, but I hope the air conditioners are still around. Now, there’s a way to replace the Broadlink with an ESP, which is written using ESP Home. Here, I’ve described my approach with an ESP32 NodeMCU:


MfG Joscha