ESPHome OTA configuration

Hi. I found this link helpful.
I had one test nodemcu device ( where 3 of onewire dallas sensors were working fine with a hardware pullup resistor but no internal resistor on GPIO4).
so I ported them (with their hardware pullup resistor) and their YAML to another NodeMCU (‘lolin’) for production, and it didn’t work with the kind of errors above. I didn’t understand. In desperation, I googled and found this:

NodeMCU Only pin D4 working with onewire ds18b20 - Everything ESP8266

so I tried GPIO2 and it worked.


  • platform: gpio
    number: GPIO2

and presto! they worked. Just Sharing

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You’re missing my point.

Of course in an ideal world everyone has the time to read all release-notes of all software they use. But reality is, if you like it or not: people don’t have that time. And if you insist that people have to read it, because there might be some breaking changes - Guess what: You’re not developing software for the average user.

why bother to upgrade at all?

Because of security updates. I am not suggesting to people that they shouldn’t update at all. The question is how breaking changes are handled. And believe it or not: Home Assistant already has a technical solution for that: Right now I got a hint that an mqtt publish action uses a deprecated option → in-app, not in release notes - it still works but hinted to me that this will break somewhat down the road in the future.

You don’t need to argue with me, and I am sticking to my point (if this wasn’t obvious): Shipping breaking changes without any precursor releases and without any other notification to the consumer is a bad habit.

That’s it for me. Do with that feedback whatever you like, but this discussion get’s off-topic here.

I better start reading all the release notes of the 1654 packages I’ve got installed on my PC then, especially those from kernel updates…

ESPHome is an open source tinkering platform, if you have good ideas, why not start contributing to this project?

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Thanks a lot, helped to save much time for investigation :+1:

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why not start contributing to this project?

Because the limited time we have to spend on this is wasted on changes like this one?

Having issues with OTA and dallas after update, need to redo the code I guess

And I’d argue, that commenting here, helping other users and giving constructive feedback is also a form of contribution. An open source project’s success does not rely on the code-base alone.

Project members/maintianers can handle this now like a pull-request: Accept or reject the feedback.

Thank you so much! Lost an hour on this.

All the folks suggesting this was not a big deal and “read the release notes” need to go touch grass. This was a PITA and poorly documented in my opinion. It wasn’t just “Change Dallas platform to one_wire”. It was change the platform to one_wire, change dallas to dallas_temp AND make sure your update interval option is under the new sensor and not the new component.

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