ESPHome question

A few weeka ago I installed ESPHome and my first bluetooth proxy. What might cause the proxy to go offline?

Without further info I would say bad wifi connection :man_shrugging:

Hi Justin,

Is it turned on?
Does it light up?
Is it in WIFI range (or on a live ethernet wire if it’s that kind)?
Did it get damaged?
It is have an update that failed?
Did you open it up in the esphome tools and look at the logs?
Did you change Routers on your network?
Did you lock the IP address in the router (static) when you loaded the firmware so the IP address in the router doesn’t change on you?

I could probably keep going…

Did you add too many things to the device?

Hang on , just show the code you used.

You’ll get better help if you follow these guidelines.

Take a look at #7 for example.

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Without your YAML very difficult to say, however if your ESP is Wi-Fi connected and if you have the following lines in your config remove them they are for wired only.

    interval: 1100ms
    window: 1100ms

I was having some fluctuations in my WiFi when the workers were clearing some limbs in the area. I didn’t realize this was happening until after the fact. I also relocated my ESP board closer to the Router to see if that helps with a consistent signal.

Is it turned on? - Yes
Does it light up? - Yes
Is it in WIFI range (or on a live ethernet wire if it’s that kind)? - I thought so but have relocated it to see if there is a more consistent signal
Did it get damaged? - No
It is have an update that failed? - No
Did you open it up in the esphome tools and look at the logs? - No. (still learning) what should I look for?
Did you change Routers on your network? - No
Did you lock the IP address in the router (static) when you loaded the firmware so the address in the router doesn’t change on you? - According to my ISP provider they do no provide static IPs other than to businesses who also have to pay a surcharge for each one

No the only things interfacing with this board are my & my wife’s toothbrushes. (so far)

Are you wanting the code that was parsed to the ESP32?

It’s wireless & does not have those lines.

As EBME2 said it’s difficlult for anyone to make suggestions without the YAML. It always sparks more interest.

  name: esp32-bluetooth-proxy-b37c28
  friendly_name: Bluetooth Proxy b37c28
  esphome.bluetooth-proxy: github://esphome/bluetooth-proxies/esp32-generic/esp32-generic.yaml@main
  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
    key: KbVUrRgdcucrHDOtlgZWmE0MfYkRPNUbNPZ0jOAzlig=

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  active: true

This is what it shows currently.


Your router doesn’t need a static address, the esp might from the NAT SSID that the router is providing for the devices that you add to the network.

Im still at a loss of why it sometimes works even though ESP Home shows it as offline.

Intermittent networking connection issues can be very challenging to debug and resolve. I have found that they generally require an attention to detail and a decent understanding of networking basics. Without both of those probably only magic/luck can help.

Your logs/tools seem to be indicating HA can’t talk to the BT proxy. There are more reasons this could happen than there are reasons it works. For it to work, EVERYTHING has to work correctly. For it to not work only one thing has to not work (or be interfered with).

I have had to solve problems like this many times and this had led to me updating my networking infrastructure multiple times. Some routers make it easier to figure things out, others don’t help at all or make it harder.

Most DHCP allocators will give out the same IP address to the same device, at least, most of the time. Some people use static addresses, usually because they read they are better. I remember a time when they were required, because DHCP had not been invented yet. I always use DHCP, but I do assign specific addresses to some of my devices, because some of them don’t work well with mDNS.

I am currently using Unifi equipment and I have unipoller set up to collect data from all my APs and send this to InfluxDB. I use Grafana so I can see both what signal strength the AP sees and also what my Tasmota and esphome devices see. This gives me a good idea of I need to do something to make that better or they picked the wrong one. Tasmota let’s me know if my devices reconnect to MQTT, which also gives an indication of issues. It also shows reboots. The combination of these give me a pretty good picture of the health of my devices.

So, does your router see your device?
Can you ping it?

Thank you. Some of that is above my head but it gives me a path to research and learn.

The router does find the BT Proxy with s strong signal however when i checked it everything is showing as online in HA. I’ll check everything again if/when it goes offline or fails to set the automaition off.

Il hoping that when i relocated it that the problem was resolved.