EspHome & TTGO T-Display: no screen refresh

In home assistant add to sensors:

- platform: template
       value_template: "{{ state_attr('weather.home','temperature') | round(0) }}"
       friendly_name: "current temperature"
      value_template: "{{ states('weather.home') | default('Unknown') }}"
      friendly_name: "current weather"

Esphome config:

  clk_pin: GPIO18
  mosi_pin: GPIO19

# Fonts (can be dowloaded)
  - file: 'slkscr.ttf'
    id: font1
    size: 16
  - file: 'BebasNeue-Regular.ttf'
    id: font2
    size: 85
  - file: 'Arial-Black.ttf'
    id: font3
    size: 30
  - file: 'BebasNeue-Regular.ttf'
    id: font4
    size: 40
#Icons 128x128 (put in the folder 'images')
  - file: "images/0-default.png"
    id: wpng_0
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/1-clear-night.png"
    id: wpng_1
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/2-cloudy.png"
    id: wpng_2
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/3-fog.png"
    id: wpng_3
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/4-hail.png"
    id: wpng_4
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/5-lightning.png"
    id: wpng_5
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/6-lightning-rainy.png"
    id: wpng_6
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/7-partlycloudy.png"
    id: wpng_7
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/8-pouring.png"
    id: wpng_8
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/9-rainy.png"
    id: wpng_9
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/10-snowy.png"
    id: wpng_10
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/11-snowy-rainy.png"
    id: wpng_11
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/12-sunny.png"
    id: wpng_12
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/13-windy.png"
    id: wpng_13
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/14-windy-variant.png"
    id: wpng_14
    type: RGB565
  - file: "images/15-exceptional.png"
    id: wpng_15
    type: RGB565
  - platform: st7789v
    id: st7789vdisplay
    reset_pin: GPIO23
    dc_pin: GPIO16
    cs_pin: GPIO5
    bl_pin: GPIO4
    brightness: 100%
    update_interval: 1s
    lambda: |-
      if (id(current_weather).state == "clear-night")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_1));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "cloudy")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_2));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "fog")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_3));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "hail")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_4));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "lightning")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_5));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "lightning-rainy")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_6));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "partlycloudy")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_7));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "pouring")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_8));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "rainy")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_9));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "snowy")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_10));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "snowy-rainy'")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_11));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "sunny")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_12));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "windy")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_13));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "windy-variant")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_14));
      else if (id(current_weather).state == "exceptional")
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_15));
         it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_0));
      if (id(current_temp).has_state()) 
        it.printf(95, 200, id(font2),  0xFFFF, TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%.0f", id(current_temp).state);
        it.printf(100, 120, id(font3),  0xFFFF, "o");
        it.printf(105, 170, id(font4),  0xFFFF, "F");
        it.strftime(67, 235, id(font1), 0x767E, TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "%H:%M:%S", id(esptime).now());
      //Battery voltage
      if (id(vcc).has_state()) {
         it.printf(4, 4, id(font1), 0x767E, "%.2f V", id(vcc).state);

# Temperature from home assistant
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: current_temp
    entity_id: sensor.current_temp

#Battery voltage
  - platform: adc
    pin: 34
    attenuation: 11db
    name: VBatt
    id: vcc
    update_interval: 30s

#Weather state for icons  
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: current_weather
    entity_id: sensor.current_weather

#Left button
  - platform: gpio
      number: 0
      inverted: True
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
    name: left_button

#Right button
  - platform: gpio
      number: 35
      inverted: True
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
    name: right_button

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: esptime

Hi Everyone,
I must be missing some part of the setup because validation reports the following:

Platform not found: ‘display.st7789v,’

But the source files are all present and correct as far as I can tell.

Running latest esphome-dev

Anything I should be doing or looking for?

You have to use custom component:

Thanks for your answer. I tried that before changing over to -dev with same result.
Am I correct that the path should be something like the following?:


I have added the three folders but I still get the same error when validating.
Are there some more steps in the process that I am not aware of?

Check my full project on GitHub


Got it working at last! Thanks, Anton! It took me a while to cotton on that one has to create the custom_components directory, in the same directory as the device directories and .yaml files, and of course then populate it with the directories and files of your project.

Im getting the same problem and cannot seam to fix it.

here is my .yaml

#____TEMP Sensors______________

  sda: 21
  scl: 22
  scan: True

  - platform: bmp280
    address: 0x76
      name: "Temperature"
      oversampling: 8x
      id: Temperature
      name: "Pressure"
    update_interval: 30s
    id: espTemp


  clk_pin: GPIO18
  mosi_pin: GPIO19
   - file: 'arial-black.ttf'
     id: font1
     size: 50

  - platform: st7789v
    id: st7789vdisplay
    reset_pin: GPIO23
    dc_pin: GPIO16
    cs_pin: GPIO5
    bl_pin: GPIO4
    update_interval: 1s
      - id: page1
        lambda: |-
          it.strftime(4, 55, id(font1), 0x767E, TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%H:%M:%S", id(esptime).now());
          it.printf(4, 70, id(font1), 0x767E, "%.1f°C", id(Temperature).state);
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: esptime

@leonb, Do you have the display related directories and source files in the custom_components directory? What error message do you get when you compile?

Here is the display related section of my .yaml:
All it currently does is to display the date and time it obtains from my network ntp server.

Example minimal configuration entry

clk_pin: GPIO18
mosi_pin: GPIO19

(Fonts - folder ‘images’)


  • file: ‘fonts/slkscr.ttf’
    id: font1
    size: 48
  • file: ‘fonts/BebasNeue-Regular.ttf’
    id: font2
    size: 85
  • file: ‘fonts/Arial-Black.ttf’
    id: font3
    size: 48
  • file: ‘fonts/BebasNeue-Regular.ttf’
    id: font4
    size: 40
  • file: ‘fonts/Arial-Black.ttf’
    id: font5
    size: 32
  • file: ‘fonts/Arial-Black.ttf’
    id: font6
    size: 24


  • platform: st7789v
    id: st7789vdisplay
    bl_pin: GPIO4
    cs_pin: GPIO5
    dc_pin: GPIO16
    reset_pin: GPIO23
    brightness: 20%
    update_interval: 1s
    lambda: |-
    it.strftime(120, 40, id(font3), 0xFFE0, TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, “%H:%M:%S”, id(esptime).now());
    it.strftime(120, 80, id(font5), 0x07E0, TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, “%A”, id(esptime).now());
    it.strftime(120, 120, id(font6), 0x07FF, TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, “%d %b %Y”, id(esptime).now());


  • platform: sntp
    id: esptime

@phaedrus42 thanks for the reply

let me clarify (i’m new to home assistant and ESPHome)

I can get the screen to work no problem and get no errors while compiling.

My issue is like the original issue and the characters overwrite themselves. and just turn into a single block of white pixels.

I downloaded the files from musk95 about a week ago.

Thanks for the help

The files from musk95’s repository have the issue.
semenyak’s GitHub linked above has the fix.
Or a little further up in the 5th post, the issue and fix is listed. It’s in the st7789v.cpp file, which you can edit in notepad or any text editor… or just swap that file from semenyak’s repository.

1 Like

Thank-you that has fixed it

I did look at the two st7789v.cpp files and did no see a deference (must have missed something) and just assumed that the musk95 files were updated (silly me for assuming).
I copied from semenyak’s and its all working

Thank-you again for your support

Hi, I’ve this error!! Can you help me ?

src\main.cpp: In lambda function:
src\main.cpp:780:23: error: ‘class esphome::st7789v::ST7789V’ has no member named ‘backlight’
st7789vdisplay->backlight (false);
src\main.cpp: In lambda function:
src\main.cpp:783:23: error: ‘class esphome::st7789v::ST7789V’ has no member named ‘backlight’
st7789vdisplay->backlight (true);
src\main.cpp: In lambda function:
src\main.cpp:787:27: error: ‘class esphome::st7789v::ST7789V’ has no member named ‘get_backlight’
if (st7789vdisplay->get_backlight()) {

src\main.cpp: In lambda function:
src\main.cpp:796:23: error: ‘class esphome::st7789v::ST7789V’ has no member named ‘backlight’
st7789vdisplay->backlight (false);
src\main.cpp: In lambda function:
src\main.cpp:807:23: error: ‘class esphome::st7789v::ST7789V’ has no member named ‘backlight’
st7789vdisplay->backlight (true);

Could you pls post the “display” section of your code?


  • platform: st7789v

    id: st7789vdisplay

    reset_pin: GPIO23

    dc_pin: GPIO16

    cs_pin: GPIO5

    backlight_pin: GPIO4

    brightness: 25%

    update_interval: 5s

    lambda: |-



    if (id(curent_weather).state == “clear-night”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_1));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “cloudy”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_2));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “fog”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_3));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “hail”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_4));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “lightning”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_5));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “lightning-rainy”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_6));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “partlycloudy”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_7));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “pouring”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_8));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “rainy”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_9));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “snowy”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_10));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “snowy-rainy’”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_11));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “sunny”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_12));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “windy”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_13));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “windy-variant”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_14));


    else if (id(curent_weather).state == “exceptional”)


     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_15));




     it.image(5, 5, id(wpng_0));



    if (id(curent_temp).has_state())


    it.printf(95, 204, id(font2),  0xFFFF, TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%.0f", id(curent_temp).state);


    it.printf(100, 124, id(font3),  0xFFFF, "o");
    it.printf(105, 174, id(font4),  0xFFFF, "F");

    // it.printf(105, 174, id(font4), 0xFFFF, “C”);


    it.strftime(67, 235, id(font1), 0x767E, TextAlign::BASELINE_CENTER, "%H:%M", id(esptime).now());

This seems to be at the heart of the matter.
Have you done Clean Build Files?

Yes, but nothing !!

I try to compile this project :

The first error is in custom_components renamed to components
The second is Unknown value ‘RGB565’, valid options are ‘BINARY’, ‘GRAYSCALE’, ‘RGB24’: renamed to RGB24
the third is in the bl_pin: renamed to bachlight_pin

Do you have the custom components directory?


if I rename it to “components” it goes on


This is the directory