ESPHOME - Waveshare 7.5 inch E-Ink E-Paper Display

Okay. This raises multiple questions for me…

  1. Currently, I use the 7,5inv2alt verison as I know there has been a fix for the greasy picture. Is this implemented in V2 also?
  2. If there has been a fix for deep sleep in v2 and I use it, do I have to specify the sleep state? I once tried with kind of
  id: deep_sleep_1
  sleep_duration: 60s

But as a result, my display would never refresh its data. I am a bit lost here.

Edit: No, as soon as I switch to V7.50v2, I am back to the greasy picture…

I think when the waveshare people are talking about deepsleep, they mean the display itself (

What you are using in your yaml is the deep sleep mode of the esp itself (Deep Sleep Component — ESPHome)

From what I found the deep sleep mode of the display needs to be part of the esphome code for the display, it’s nothing you can manually set if it wasnt taken into account by the esphome developer before.

Ah, I understand.
But if so, everyone should be running into this issue…
And I do not understand why the greasy display fix hasnt been implemented in all v7,5 models …

I also never got the logic behind some people not having issues, and some (including me) struggling forever. The time and financial effort just got too big for me over time, which is a dealbreaker when compared to the little happiness i got out of it. Occasionally when it “hits me” i get motivated again and give it another go, but for projects where i need reliability i either use the 2.9inch display or leds.

Who knows, maybe in January I’ll risk it and get myself a new 7.5er panel :slight_smile:

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Shouldn’t the sleep mode fix be implemented for all 75vsomething’s?

i dont see a reason why it shouldnt, so: yes