Espresense can't workaround Galaxy Watch BT mac address randomization

Anyone here is running the ESPresense detection with mqtt_room? I’m having issues with randomized MAC address of my Galaxy watch 5. I wonder if there’s a workaround.

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anyone please?

I have the same issue. So far no solution :frowning:

Hi @Gil80

The solution might be to enable the “BLE Transmitter” in the Home Assistant app directly on the watch:

  • Open the Home Assistant app on the watch
  • Go to “Settings” at the bottom
  • Open “Manage Sensors”
  • Open “Bluetooth Sensors”
  • Enable “BLE Transmitter”

In my case, the iBeacon became visible in ESPresense when the “BLE Transmitter” was enabled.

Please be aware that this feature potentially uses a lot of power. In another thread, Davizinho shows how to turn the ‘BLE Transmitter’ on/off on the watch using an automation:

You can also find the official documentation here:

I hope this solution works for you too :slight_smile:

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that automation bit to switch the ble transmitter on/off is really good!

however, I found that galaxy watch 5 must use high transmit power and this really drained my battery.
just this weekend, being home all day it took 37% battery usage within 8~10 hours period.
I don’t think using this watch for this automation is a good idea due to battery life.

Would be interesting to compare a day with and one without the ble transmitter enabled. I am using the galaxy watch 6, but am expecting more or less the same result as you.

You might be right. My hope is that the feature won’t completely drain my battery on workdays, if disabled when sleeping and away. Time must tell :wink:

Let me know, if you stumble upon a better solution at some point :slight_smile:

I think I have a better solution. I’m waiting for my LD2410B High Sensitivity 24G Human Presence Status Radar which doesn’t require BLE connections.
see here:

I’m going to use my Galaxy S23 phone for espresense due to larger battery capacity, but once the Ld2410B arrives, I’ll switch to it.

what do you think?

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