Homeassistant 0.99.3 installed in a RB. SSL correctely configured on https://xxxx.duckdns.org:port.
I can access HA web interface from my desktop computer in my local wifi. I can access from my Android mobile by the use of 4G or from another wifi LAN. But I don’t know why, when I navigate to https://xxxx.duckdns.org:port from my Android mobile phone in my local Wifi, afer authentication, the browsers stalls in an eternal “Loading Data” message.
My desktop computer works properly because it resolves domain name as the local ip (192.168.x.x) of the homeassistant server.
On the other hand, on the mobile phone, when I connect to hass server by wifi using the domain name, it resolves domain name with my own WAN IP (router IP). In network information, I can see that /default_view has “pending” state forever and the page is in eternal “Loading Data”
However, If I use the local IP of the hass server from my mobile, it works properly. The problem is SSL certificate isn’t valid for plain IP addresses.
If you want to use public domain name inside your local network, your router must support NAT reflection. If your router doesn’t, when you browse to https://mydomain.name.org:1234 from inside your local network, the connection fails because the client try to connect to the hass server by the use of the public IP. Then, the router redirect the query to the HASS server and the conecction is a mess.
There are three options if your router doesn’t support NAT reflection:
Use IP (for example and accept the advise in your web browser. In this case your connection won’t be private inside your local network. If you can deal with it, go ahead!
In your local DNS server (probably your router), assign the local IP HASS server to your public domain name. For example:
Host name = mydomain.name.org --> IP address =
In your host file (Linux /etc/hosts o Windows <) add a line to resolve mydomain.name.org to