Eufy robovac g10 Hybrid

I am currently trying to connect my eufy robovac g10 hybrid to Home Assistant.
I can find many sources on how to embed it. However, I’m confused what is up to date.

Can someone send me instructions on which is the best way right now. Link or video is also welcome. Also happy to share some cool frontend and UI :).

Does the whole thing then run in the cloud or is it also possible without a cloud?

I found a solution using the extension here. Thanks for that, it was super easy to set up :).

However with the G10 Hybrid, I had a few issues with the UI and actions.
So I adjusted it:

type: custom:vacuum-card
entity: vacuum.robovac
image: default
    service: vacuum.start_pause
      entity_id: vacuum.robovac
      device_id: vacuum.robovac
      area_id: vacuum.robovac
    service: vacuum.start_pause
      entity_id: vacuum.robovac
      device_id: vacuum.robovac
      area_id: vacuum.robovac
    service: vacuum.start_pause
      entity_id: vacuum.robovac
      device_id: vacuum.robovac
      area_id: vacuum.robovac
  - name: Dock
    service: vacuum.return_to_base
      entity_id: vacuum.robovac
      device_id: vacuum.robovac
      area_id: vacuum.robovac
    icon: mdi:home-map-marker

The only glitch now is that sometimes the status isn’t quite right anymore if you press start, pause or stop too quickly.

Actually it would be completely enough to have just one start/resume button:

Ok a second possibility is to use the LocalTuya Integration works also well.
See here for more information.