Eufy Security Integration

In that case probably better to open an issue on GitHub. Would be good to share some logs of the add-on and a screenshot with config settings. Also some details on system setup (versions, network settings eg. Are eufy equipment and your ha server on the same vlan).

Replying to myself.
I guess is nobody else here trying to add the doorbell to Homekit.

it is my bad, i had removed auto streaming functionality assuming no one is using it, which was existing in previous release, can you open a feature request so i can put it back?

I wish I know how to do that. I’ve been looking for the the feature request section in your code area but I didn’t find it. Should I open up a new discussion there? Thx a lot.

Further to my last post, I finally got a couple of errors. I assume these refer to stats not showing.
After about 30 seconds, the addon still dies on it’s own with no error messages apart from “Killed”.
Any ideas. This is sending me nuts :slight_smile:

Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio.handler
Source: components/hassio/
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 10:22:12 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:22:13

Timeout on /addons/3a26b21d_eufy_security_addon/stats request

Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor
First occurred: 10:22:13 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:22:13

Failed to to call /addons/3a26b21d_eufy_security_addon/stats -

Perhaps it has been mentioned (very long topic). But I only just now noticed something since one of the updates previously my contact-sensors from Eufy where seen as windows. Now they are seen as doors. Which is not a problem at all as they can be easily reconfigured as windows (I’ve done this for most other branded sensors, as most show as device class door).

I just only noticed as my ‘open windows’ counter was not showing things correctly - not counting windows with Eufy sensors on them. and so I thought I would mention it here in case someone else runs into it.

Incase someone doesn’t know how to change a device-class of an entity:

      device_class: "window"

I try to install this.
But the step 3 of installation is not available.
I get message to install it in configuration.yaml
How to do this?

I get this error when I try to set up the RTSP server using the docker command in the instructions:

"invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase"

docker run -it RTSP_PROTOCOLS=tcp -p 8554:8554 -p 1935:1935 aler9/rtsp-simple-server:latest

Any idea what the correct command should be?

I tried an alternative approach, using these instructions from another link:

sudo docker run --rm -it --network=host aler9/rtsp-simple-server

…and got this:

2023/02/08 10:59:07 INF rtsp-simple-server v0.21.2
2023/02/08 10:59:07 INF [RTSP] listener opened on :8554 (TCP), :8000 (UDP/RTP), :8001 (UDP/RTCP)
2023/02/08 10:59:07 ERR listen tcp :1935: bind: address already in use
2023/02/08 10:59:07 INF [RTSP] listener is closing
2023/02/08 10:59:07 INF waiting for external commands

Ignoring the message about port 1935 (which I didn’t understand), I went ahead and installed the WebRTC integration, and added a card to my dashboard. However I get this error message for both of my cameras:

Custom element doesn't exist: webrtc-camera

Could this be due to the issue with port 1935? If so, any ideas for how to diagnose/resolve?

Rado, had same issue on Pi3 with CPU usage spiking and killed showing in log.

Solution was to remove unused Addons.
I think the offending addon which may have created some conflict was one used for Eufy-MQTT(Forgot real name) which is no longer need with v1.3.

If you still have problem may be worth removing/disabling your addons to track down issue.

Sorry if it was mentioned before but i couldn’t find it. I have a T8200 doorbell. Before Anker Security issues, i was able to get the movement or doorbell press screenshot images on my dashboard picture-entity card. I only need the screenshot images, not streaming or rtsp… But in the latest versions, i can’t find or get the images, but only if i click the picture-entity and start P2P streaming i could get the screenshot. It still doesn’t get the image on any movement.

There is a Last Picture Sensor which shows a folder and file name but i don’t know how to find this file.

So, is this solved and i am the only one who doesn’t know, or is it a common problem? Thanks…

i’m completely lost with this integation, had it all working but with all latest versions lately i’m completely lost.
Tried installing from scratch but that doesnt help either.

  • my automations dont work anymore
  • my lovelace dashboard cards dont work anymore :frowning:

Anyone have working lovelace dashboard code? That looks good and do work? Starting/stopping? With rtsp?
Are the images working again?

Please check my report on reddit here:
Eufy Security doesn’t have video in HA for a few months

I thought it is a global add-on issue due to the Eufy data leak outrage but seems that many folks in the thread have the add-on working fine already.

Hey @anon63427907! I’m not sure this is a bug, but it’s definitely an oddity. I’ve recently made the decision to get rid of my T8200 doorbell and I deleted it from the Eufy app (and confirmed it was gone both on the web portal and my secondary account that’s connected to HA). However, all 3 devices (this removed one plus the two remaining) still show in HA. I tried reloading (no change), removing the integration and restarting HA then adding the integration again (and that presented all 3 devices to add) … and now I’m at a loss on how to remove that device from HA. Any thoughts?

Hi, I am having issues where my doorbell camera is not loading the picture or stream

All i see is blank

I have tried uninstalling everything and reinstalling following the guide to a T but it wont come through, everything on latest versions

Wondering if anyone had any ideas on where to look as im at a loss now

Just installed this integration. But i get no image, just this url T8010P2320482FEE~/media/mmcblk0p1/video/20230215162519_c00.jpg? No log errors?

Soooo. It seems that your entire account is gone from GitHub @anon63427907. Unless it’s down just for me. What’s up? You doing okay?

His account is still there: GitHub - fuatakgun/eufy_security: Home Assistant integration to manage Eufy Security devices as cameras, home base stations, doorbells, motion and contact sensors.

Yes, all good from here but had a small heart attack

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That not good to hear!
Hope you’re ok now!?