Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave - external temperature sensor

I had to use a non-zero value to force a precision to be configured, because HA is converting the value to an integer. (Note I don’t have this device, sending the message is possible to any device that supports the Command Class, it just won’t respond to it.)

The service call with value 20.00:

service: zwave_js.invoke_cc_api
  command_class: "49"
  method_name: sendReport
    - 1
    - 0
    - 20.00
  endpoint: "0"
  entity_id: sensor.4_in_1_sensor_air_temperature

In debug logs, we can see HA has already converted the value before it gets to the driver:

2022-09-11 10:19:59.345 DEBUG (MainThread) [zwave_js_server] Publishing message:
{'args': [1, 0, 20],
 'command': 'endpoint.invoke_cc_api',
 'commandClass': 49,
 'endpoint': 0,
 'messageId': 'b4d7b3b15637462ab366feb207847a90',
 'methodName': 'sendReport',
 'nodeId': 3}

In the driver, that results in:

2022-09-11T17:16:36.588Z SERIAL » 0x011100a901030531050101142500000000094c                            (19 bytes)
2022-09-11T17:16:36.589Z DRIVER » [Node 003] [REQ] [SendDataBridge]
                                  │ source node id:   1
                                  │ transmit options: 0x25                                                                                                                                                                                                    │ callback id:      9
                                      type:  Air temperature
                                      scale: Celsius
                                      value: 20

You can see the integer value, 20. You can also see the payload bytes:

31 -> Command Class 49 (hex 31)
    01 -> Sensor Type == 1 == Air Temperature
      01 -> Precision = 0, Scale = 0, Size = 1 byte
        14 -> Temp value 20 (hex 14)

So if the device requires precision 2, then this won’t work.

HA won’t covert 20.01 to a integer.

service: zwave_js.invoke_cc_api
  command_class: "49"
  method_name: sendReport
    - 1
    - 0
    - 20.01
  endpoint: "0"
  entity_id: sensor.4_in_1_sensor_air_temperature
2022-09-11 10:17:01.376 DEBUG (MainThread) [zwave_js_server] Publishing message:
{'args': [1, 0, 20.01],
 'command': 'endpoint.invoke_cc_api',                                                                                                                                                                                        'commandClass': 49,
 'endpoint': 0,                                                                                                                                                                                                              'messageId': '37d3838495da4c17a130fe6df5fc782c',
 'methodName': 'sendReport',
 'nodeId': 3}

The decimal 20.01 is preserved.


2022-09-11T17:17:07.826Z SERIAL » 0x011200a90103063105014207d125000000000ace                          (20 bytes)
2022-09-11T17:17:07.827Z DRIVER » [Node 003] [REQ] [SendDataBridge]
                                  │ source node id:   1
                                  │ transmit options: 0x25
                                  │ callback id:      10
                                      type:  Air temperature
                                      scale: Celsius
                                      value: 20.01

The payload is:

31 -> Command Class 49 (hex 31)
    01 -> Sensor Type == 1 == Air Temperature
      42 -> 0b1000010 -> Precision = 2, Scale = 0, Size = 2 bytes
        07d1 -> Temp value 20 (hex 14) 2001, which is 20.01 with precision 2

Looks like the driver also removes precision if it can. Driver code (using zwavejs2mqtt):

const node = driver.controller.nodes.get(3);
await node.commandClasses["Multilevel Sensor"].sendReport(1, 0, 20.00);

Results in the same payload as the HA service call, 3105010114.

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i tried 3 methods but honestly I need advices

Temperature sensor on valve does not change after you send external temperature to it. It will still display the same temperature that it sees.

How you can test it if external temperature works is you can set a really low temperature and hear trv opens, or you can send a really high temperature and hear it closing.

The problem is using standard component for heating in HA. As it shows TRV temperature. To overcome this you can install a custom heating component for home assistant which supports merging the heating valve with an external sensor that you are sending temperature from, for example this one

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I decided to prepare my heating system for winter and found out that my method:

to publish temperature via mqtt doesn’t work anymore, with error message:

  "success": false,
  "message": "sensorType is not a number (ZW0322)",
  "args": [
      "nodeId": 7,
      "commandClass": 49,
      "endpoint": 0
  "origin": {
    "args": [
        "nodeId": 7,
        "commandClass": 49,
        "endpoint": 0

But I tried to publish via service: zwave_js.invoke_cc_api:

  command_class: "49"
  method_name: sendReport
    - 1
    - 2
    - {{states('sensor.healthy_home_coach_temperature')}}
  endpoint: "0"
  entity_id: sensor.thermostat_kidsroom_air_temperature

and it worked


Reading through this huge thread, i managed to set the temperature on my Eurotronics Spirit Zwave devices using an automation and the normal zwave-js integration. (no mqtt or node-red :slight_smile: ) Problem with this setup is of course that home assistant has to be up and running for this to work. thanks everybody for the notes/research.

As everybody points out you first have to set option 8 of the device to -128. this way it will accept the external temperature measurement.

The automation can probably be improved but what it does is it waits for a change in temperature of my multisensor in the room. which is constantly rounded down to one digit after the comma. which the TVR is not accepting as shown in the excellent post of Freshcoast. therefore i chose just to substract 0.01 degrees from my sensor thereby creating a 2 digit after the comma number :slight_smile:

For parameters, 1 is the sensor type (1 == temperature), 0 is the scale (0 == Celsius, 1 == Fahrenheit, 2== Celsuis or Fahrenheit), the third parameter is the temperature as mentioned.

alias: External Temperature Sensors TVR
description: >-
  This automation sets the external temperature sensor on Eurotronic Spirit
  - platform: state
      - sensor.kitchen_multisensor_air_temperature
    id: TempKitchen
  - platform: state
      - sensor.livingroom_multisensor_air_temperature
    id: TempLivingRoom
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: TempKitchen
          - service: zwave_js.invoke_cc_api
              command_class: "49"
              endpoint: "0"
              method_name: sendReport
              parameters: |-
                  {{(states("sensor.kitchen_multisensor_air_temperature") | float - 0.01 )| round(2)}},
              entity_id: climate.kitchen_radiator
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
            id: TempLivingRoom
          - service: zwave_js.invoke_cc_api
              command_class: "49"
              endpoint: "0"
              method_name: sendReport
              parameters: |-
                  {{(states("sensor.livingroom_multisensor_air_temperature") | float - 0.01 )| round(2)}},
                - climate.living_room_thermostatic_valve_left_window
                - climate.living_room_thermostatic_valve_middle_window
                - climate.living_room_thermostatic_valve_right_window
mode: single

@MSe-5-14 have you checked if it works for you this way? For example, if current setpoint is 20C, and it has open valve, send 28.55 to the TRV, does it close?

I think TRV actually needs 1 digit precision, not 2.
@freshcoast is describing the general idea how driver works, when we send 20.00 for example, in response to @Osorkon question. That actually means that I probably need to do something about 20.0 value.
Thing is, Multilevel Sensor v5 always shows internal air temperature of TRV, that’s why it’s 2 digit.
What we are sending with sendReport must contain 1 decimal, and after that, that value is nowhere to be observed in the ZWave JS UI of the TRV entity - we can only test it by trying out setpoint / sent value from automation.

Yes it works for me. when i set the temperature to 28.55 it closes the valve.
after your comment i did try some other values and you are right; it only needs 1 digit. must ahve misunderstood something :slight_smile:

This won’t work because you are sending the parameters and the temperature value as strings, not as an integer or float. It is necessary to remove " near 01, 02 and temperature.
I’m using MQTT-Explorer to connect my MQTT server and it is pretty shows, that zwavejs2mqtt api returns that call is successful or not and error message. So it easy using it to find mistake.

Example working for me (I checked that there is no error from from api side, I will check valve working later):

    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: zwave/_CLIENTS/ZWAVE_GATEWAY-zwavejs2mqtt/api/sendCommand/set
        payload: >-
          { "args": [ { "nodeId": 9, "commandClass": 49, "endPoint": 0 },
          "sendReport", [ 1, 2,
          {{states('sensor.p1bedroom_temperature_avg')}} ]]}

Ive tweaked my automation a little and this seems to work

alias:  External Temperature Sensors TRV
description: >-
  This automation sets the external temperature sensor on Eurotronic Spirit
  - platform: state
      - sensor.bathroom_multisensor_air_temperature
      - sensor.bedroom_multisensor_air_temperature
      - sensor.kitchen_multisensor_air_temperature
      - sensor.livingroom_multisensor_air_temperature
      - sensor.office_multisensor_air_temperature
condition: []
  - service: zwave_js.invoke_cc_api
      command_class: "49"
      endpoint: "0"
      method_name: sendReport
        - 1
        - 0
        - "{{ states(trigger.entity_id) }}"
      entity_id: >-
        {{ expand(states.climate)  | selectattr('entity_id', 'in',
        area_entities(area_id(trigger.entity_id)))|map(attribute='entity_id') |
        list }}
mode: single

The log shows i think that the message arrives correctly at the TRV, even if node 3 doesnt seem to be able to deliver the info. ill launch a heal network just to make sure, weird the plug is 1.5m away from the TRV. :slight_smile:

NODE 003 = Fibaro Plug FGWPE-102
NODE 005 = Aeotec MultiSensor 6
NODE 014 = Eurotronics Spirit

2022-12-15T15:39:23.110Z SERIAL « 0x010e00040005063105012200c5cf00eb                                  (16 bytes)
2022-12-15T15:39:23.111Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2022-12-15T15:39:23.112Z CNTRLR   [Node 005] [Multilevel Sensor] Air temperature: metadata updated  [Endpoint 0]
2022-12-15T15:39:23.112Z CNTRLR   [Node 005] [~] [Multilevel Sensor] Air temperature: 19.8 => 19.7  [Endpoint 0]
2022-12-15T15:39:23.113Z DRIVER « [Node 005] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
                                      type:  Air temperature
                                      scale: Celsius
                                      value: 19.7
2022-12-15T15:39:23.127Z SERIAL » 0x011d00130e169f032600bf258a9ba346d2e27a93cd68977c0c2560a025f096    (31 bytes)
2022-12-15T15:39:23.129Z DRIVER » [Node 014] [REQ] [SendData]
                                  │ transmit options: 0x25
                                  │ callback id:      240
                                    │ sequence number: 38
                                      │ session id:      28
                                      │ request updates: true
                                          type:  Air temperature
                                          scale: Celsius
                                          value: 19.7
2022-12-15T15:39:23.134Z SERIAL « [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2022-12-15T15:39:23.141Z SERIAL « 0x0104011301e8                                                       (6 bytes)
2022-12-15T15:39:23.142Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2022-12-15T15:39:23.142Z DRIVER « [RES] [SendData]
                                    was sent: true
2022-12-15T15:39:24.575Z SERIAL « 0x01180013f000009001ca7f7f7f7f010103030000000202030e52              (26 bytes)
2022-12-15T15:39:24.576Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2022-12-15T15:39:24.577Z DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData]
                                    callback id:            240
                                    transmit status:        OK, took 1440 ms
                                    repeater node IDs:      3
                                    routing attempts:       2
                                    protocol & route speed: Z-Wave, 40 kbit/s
                                    ACK RSSI:               -54 dBm
                                    ACK RSSI on repeaters:  N/A
                                    ACK channel no.:        1
                                    TX channel no.:         1
                                    route failed here:      3 -> 14
2022-12-15T15:39:24.656Z SERIAL « 0x01190004000e119f03c7008844ba3094626508bafe6d875bca0044            (27 bytes)
2022-12-15T15:39:24.657Z SERIAL » [ACK]                                                                   (0x06)
2022-12-15T15:39:24.657Z DRIVER « [Node 014] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
                                    │ sequence number: 199
                                        session id:          28
                                        more updates follow: false
                                        status:              Success
                                        duration:            0s

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New season coming, and I started HA setup from scratch. Revisited this issue and found your automation to be very convenient - one for all TRVs in one. Thanks!

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I recently changed the automation a little. Basically to stop too much unnecessary updates being sent over the zwave network. i now first check if the temperature has actually changed before sending the zwave command.

alias: Appartment.SetTempFromRoomSensors
description: >-
  This automation sets the external temperature sensor on Eurotronic Spirit
  - platform: state
      - sensor.bathroom_multisensor_air_temperature
      - sensor.bedroom_multisensor_air_temperature
      - sensor.kitchen_multisensor_air_temperature
      - sensor.livingroom_multisensor_air_temperature
      - sensor.office_multisensor_air_temperature
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ trigger.from_state.state|float(0) != trigger.to_state.state|float(0) }}"
  - service: zwave_js.invoke_cc_api
      command_class: "49"
      endpoint: "0"
      method_name: sendReport
        - 1
        - 0
        - "{{ states(trigger.entity_id) }}"
      entity_id: >-
        {{ expand(states.climate)  | selectattr('entity_id', 'in',
        area_entities(area_id(trigger.entity_id)))|map(attribute='entity_id') |
        list }}
mode: queued
max: 5


Where can I find these “temperature” association group” ? I want to pair my Spirit with an Everspring ST814. This was possible with my old Homee.

I don’t use the sensor any more. If I remember correctly you had to set the temperature offset in the Spirit to “external sensor” and add the Spirit to the association group in the temperature sensor. Hope that helps

I have strange issue with one of my TVRs. It seems to improperly set opening of the valve. For comparison here is the screenshot of 2 valves, one (Badroom) working as expected and second (Mirek) that misbehavies:

As you can see for Bedroom temperature is set to 21C and valve is 100% opened (blue lines on chart at the bottom of picture). For Mirek I had to set the temperature to 25C to get the valve opened to 65% to get heating working. If I set it to real desired temperature of 21C, then valve gets completely closed, despite temperature being well betol target. BTW on the chart you can see both valves being completely closed for night period, when target temperature is lovered to 19C.

In my setup I use external temperature sensors and set temperature sensor of valve using MQTT automation. So as this process requires to set temperature offset parameter to -128, it leves no room to set offset/correction. I checked all setup parameters of both valves and these looks identical (unless I missed something).

What might cause such strange behaviour of this TVR? Any way to troubleshoot it?

What happens when you set the “Mirek Office” TVR to the “Full Power” preset?
Does the valve open 100%?

Afraid, I cant resolve your issue but would you be willing to share your lovelace config for your thermostat screen - looks very clean and all the right info.

Sure, here is the configuration:

type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
      - text: Bedroom
        type: custom:text-divider-row
      - cards:
          - align_icon: left
            animate: true
              - entity: sensor.netatmo_pogodynka_sypialnia_temperature
                index: 0
            font_size: 75
            hour24: true
            hours_to_show: 24
            line_color: var(--greenish)
            line_width: 3
            name: Temperature
              extrema: true
              fill: fade
              icon: false
              name: false
            type: custom:mini-graph-card
          - align_icon: left
            animate: true
              - entity: sensor.netatmo_pogodynka_sypialnia_humidity
                index: 0
            font_size: 75
            hour24: true
            hours_to_show: 24
            line_color: var(--cyanish)
            line_width: 3
            name: Humidity
              extrema: true
              fill: fade
              icon: false
              name: false
            type: custom:mini-graph-card
          - align_icon: left
            animate: true
              - entity: sensor.netatmo_pogodynka_sypialnia_co2
                index: 0
            font_size: 75
            hour24: true
            hours_to_show: 24
            line_color: var(--light-magenta)
            line_width: 3
            name: CO2
              extrema: true
              fill: fade
              icon: false
              name: false
            type: custom:mini-graph-card
        horizontal: true
        type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: custom:thermostat-card
    title: Bedroom
    entity: climate.valve_bedroom
    highlight_tap: true
    ambient_temperature: sensor.temperature_bedroom
    no_card: false
    chevron_size: 50
  - align_icon: left
    animate: true
      - entity: sensor.netatmo_pogodynka_sypialnia_temperature
        name: Temperature  Ext
        color: red
        show_points: false
      - entity: sensor.setpoint_bedroom
        name: Setpoint
        color: green
        show_points: false
      - entity: number.valve_bedroom_valve_control
        name: Opening
        color: blue
        show_points: false
        y_axis: secondary
    font_size: 75
    hour24: true
    hours_to_show: 8
    points_per_hour: 12
    lower_bound: 10
    upper_bound: 25
    lower_bound_secondary: 0
    upper_bound_secondary: 100
    smoothing: false
    line_color: var(--cyanish)
    line_width: 3
    name: Humidity
      extrema: true
      fill: fade
      icon: false
      name: false
    type: custom:mini-graph-card

Please note use of some custom cards, especially custom:thermostat-card that stands for most of the card.

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