EV1527 RFLink remote

Hy everybody!

I bought a RF based remote controller for a LED Strip, and I want to integrate it to HA.
So it’s working an interesting way, it has 11 button and every button sending an ON command with a different switch number, like:
Power: ‘id’: ‘ev1527_01f020_01’, ‘command’: ‘on’
100%: ‘id’: ‘ev1527_01f020_07’, ‘command’: ‘on’
50%: ‘id’: ‘ev1527_01f020_08’, ‘command’: ‘on’
25%: ‘id’: ‘ev1527_01f020_09’, ‘command’: ‘on’

I want to use this dimmer options too, so how can I achive that? The on/off working like a charm, with rflink light toogle mode.

Thanks a lot for help!

If I understand you correctly, you want to use the remote to execute actions in HA, probably over other lights with brightness capabilities.
I think there is no component that can group all the functions, but you can configure a switch for every button, and make it work as you want with automations.

Some examples: