In case someone was trying to set this up as well. I figured it out myself. Its pretty simple with some custom sensors
Here’s the yaml:
# evcc template
- sensor:
- name: "EVCC Battery Power Charging"
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
state: "{{ max(0, 0 - states('sensor.evcc_battery_power_w') | float(default=0)) }}"
- name: "EVCC Battery Power Discharging"
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
state: "{{ max(0, states('sensor.evcc_battery_power_w') | float(default=0)) }}"
- name: "EVCC Energy Export"
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
state: "{{ max(0, 0 - states('sensor.evcc_grid_power_w') | float(default=0)) }}"
- name: "EVCC Energy Import"
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
state: "{{ max(0, states('sensor.evcc_grid_power_w') | float(default=0)) }}"
- name: "EVCC PV Generation"
unit_of_measurement: W
device_class: power
state: "{{ max(0, states('sensor.evcc_pv_power_w') | float(default=0)) }}"
#EVCC integration
- platform: integration
source: sensor.evcc_battery_power_charging
name: "EVCC Total Battery Energy Charged"
unit_prefix: k
method: left
- platform: integration
source: sensor.evcc_battery_power_discharging
name: "EVCC Total Battery Energy Discharged"
unit_prefix: k
method: left
- platform: integration
source: sensor.evcc_energy_import
name: "EVCC Grid Import"
unit_prefix: k
method: left
- platform: integration
source: sensor.evcc_energy_export
name: "EVCC Grid Export"
unit_prefix: k
method: left
- platform: integration
source: sensor.evcc_pv_generation
name: "EVCC PV Generation kwh"
unit_prefix: k
method: left
July 3, 2022, 9:10am
you have a typo in uniqueid__evcc_pc_power_w
oh and …
BIG thanks !
and what?
You are right, I’ve corrected the typo, even though it doesn’t really matter
updates to the code above needed after
Updated configuration:
- name: evcc_mode
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_mode_select
icon: mdi:tune-variant
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/mode"
command_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/mode/set"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- "off"
- "now"
- "minpv"
- "pv"
- name: evcc_phases
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_phases_select
icon: mdi:backburger
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/phasesEnabled"
command_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/phasesEnabled/set"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- "0"
- "1"
- "3"
- name: evcc_charge_power_w
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_charge_power_w
icon: mdi:car-electric
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/chargePower"
value_template: "{{ value | round(0) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
state_class: measurement
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_charged_energy_kwh
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_charged_energy_kwh
icon: mdi:battery-charging-high
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/chargedEnergy"
value_template: "{{ (value | float / 1000) | round(4) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_charged_energy_self_kwh
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_charged_energy_self_kwh
icon: mdi:battery-charging-high
state_topic: "evcc/site/savingsSelfConsumptionCharged"
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_charged_energy_grid_kwh
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_charged_energy_grid_kwh
icon: mdi:battery-charging-high
state_topic: "evcc/site/savingsGridCharged"
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_phases_active
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_phases_active
icon: mdi:backburger
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/phasesActive"
value_template: "{{ value | round(0) }}"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_charge_duration_s
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_charge_duration_s
icon: mdi:timer-settings-outline
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/chargeDuration"
value_template: "{{ value | round(0) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "s"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_charge_current_l1_a
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_charge_current_l1_a
icon: mdi:current-ac
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/chargeCurrents/l1"
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "A"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_charge_current_l2_a
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_charge_current_l2_a
icon: mdi:current-ac
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/chargeCurrents/l2"
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "A"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_charge_current_l3_a
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_charge_current_l3_a
icon: mdi:current-ac
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/chargeCurrents/l3"
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "A"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_pv_power_w
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_pc_power_w
icon: mdi:home-lightning-bolt-outline
state_topic: "evcc/site/pvPower"
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_battery_power_w
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_battery_power_w
icon: mdi:home-lightning-bolt-outline
state_topic: "evcc/site/batteryPower"
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_grid_power_w
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_grid_power_w
icon: mdi:home-lightning-bolt-outline
state_topic: "evcc/site/gridPower"
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_home_power_w
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_home_power_w
icon: mdi:home-lightning-bolt-outline
state_topic: "evcc/site/homePower"
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_savings_self_consumption_percent
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_savings_self_consumption_percent
icon: mdi:cash-multiple
state_topic: "evcc/site/savingsSelfConsumptionPercent"
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_savings_amount
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_savings_amount
icon: mdi:cash-multiple
state_topic: "evcc/site/savingsAmount"
value_template: "{{ value | round(2) }}"
unit_of_measurement: "€"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_loadpoint_enabled
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_loadpoint_enabled
icon: mdi:ev-station
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/enabled"
payload_on: "true"
payload_off: "false"
#device_class: problem
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_loadpoint_connected
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_loadpoint_connected
icon: mdi:ev-station
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/connected"
payload_on: "true"
payload_off: "false"
#device_class: problem
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_loadpoint_charging
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_loadpoint_charging
icon: mdi:ev-station
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/charging"
payload_on: "true"
payload_off: "false"
#device_class: problem
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
- name: evcc_min_current
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_min_current
icon: mdi:current-ac
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/minCurrent"
command_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/minCurrent/set"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
min: 6
max: 16
step: 0.25
unit_of_measurement: "A"
- name: evcc_max_current
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_max_current
icon: mdi:current-ac
state_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/maxCurrent"
command_topic: "evcc/loadpoints/1/maxCurrent/set"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
min: 6
max: 16
step: 0.25
unit_of_measurement: "A"
- name: evcc_buffer_soc
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_buffer_soc
icon: mdi:label-percent-outline
state_topic: "evcc/site/bufferSoc"
command_topic: "evcc/site/bufferSoc/set"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
min: 1
max: 100
unit_of_measurement: "%"
- name: evcc_priority_soc
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_priority_soc
icon: mdi:label-percent-outline
state_topic: "evcc/site/prioritySoc"
command_topic: "evcc/site/prioritySoc/set"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
min: 1
max: 100
unit_of_measurement: "%"
- name: evcc_residual_power
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_residual_power
icon: mdi:label-percent-outline
state_topic: "evcc/site/residualPower"
command_topic: "evcc/site/residualPower/set"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
min: -5000
max: +5000
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "Garage Wallbox Minimale Stromstärke"
friendly_name: "Garage EVCC Modus"
(Korbinian Amann)
January 18, 2023, 3:01pm
Magst du mir sagen, wo die Config Schnipsel eingefügt werden müssen ?
Danke für die Hilfe.
January 21, 2023, 10:52am
Is there a topic for t he batterySoC ?
In @ThomDietrich fist post there is betterySoC but I do not get values when I added
- name: evcc_battery_soc
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_battery_soc
state_topic: "evcc/site/batterySoC"
icon: mdi:label-percent-outline
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
Is there a way to find all topics published by evcc?
Thank you
I found the solution:
and not SoC
I used MQTT Explorer (as a Home Assistant add on) to look into the topics.
Here is the corrected sensor:
- name: evcc_battery_soc
unique_id: uniqueid__evcc_battery_soc
state_topic: "evcc/site/batterySoc"
icon: mdi:label-percent-outline
value_template: "{{ value | round(1) }}"
availability_topic: "evcc/status"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
They have changed a few API and MQTT names the last couple of releases. The screenshot in my first post should not be your reference
Checking the MQTT broker for published messages beyond what I use is anyhow a good idea. Any MQTT client will do the job. I can recommend MQTT Explorer.
1 Like
January 21, 2023, 1:11pm
Thank you for your reply.
I did find mqtt explorer meanwhile and edited my question with the solution
does anyone know, how to integrate the entire evcc webpage in the side panel as it is done when using the home assistant addon from evcc?
February 24, 2023, 10:51am
When putting it at the end of my evcc.yaml I got an error and evcc didnt start.
How should my evcc.yaml look like?
Let me rephrase that. You took a snippet of valid Home Assistant configuration and added it to the end of your evcc configuration. Hope you can hear the irony in this
What I’ve posted must be part of your Home Assistant configuration. The code must go in a file under <HomeAssistantConfig>/packages/evcc-or-similar-name.yaml
. In order to load that file you need to also enable packages in your <HomeAssistantConfig>/configuration.yaml
. Read:
Related to Packages as a default part of the yaml based configuration
Thx a lot. I have overlook your reply above…
It works nearly perfectly now. The only thing missing is that I can’t use the sensors for the energy dashboard. Is it only my problem or do we need to configure the sensors differently?
March 19, 2023, 9:16pm
any hint regarding the ha energy dashboard sensors asked by @Leedrag ?
Hey guys,
for the energy dashboard to work, you need to add state_class: measurement
to the relevant sensor definitions. Which ones do you think are relevant and I am happy to amend them above.
March 20, 2023, 1:04pm
ok, found it our by myself.
first, you have to create this template sensors (because the evcc sensors are positiv and negativ, we need to split up this sensors):
- name: "Netz Verbrauch (W)"
unique_id: netz_verbrauch_w
unit_of_measurement: "W"
state_class: measurement
device_class: power
state: "{{ max(states('sensor.evcc_grid_power_w') | int, 0) | default(0)}}"
- name: "Netz Einspeisung (W)"
unique_id: netz_einspeisung_w
unit_of_measurement: "W"
state_class: measurement
device_class: power
state: "{{ min(states('sensor.evcc_grid_power_w') | int, 0) | abs | default(0)}}"
- name: "Batterie Entladeleistung (W)"
unique_id: batterie_entladeleistung_w
unit_of_measurement: "W"
state_class: measurement
device_class: power
state: "{{ max(states('sensor.evcc_battery_power_w') | int, 0) | default(0)}}"
- name: "Batterie Ladeleistung (W)"
unique_id: batterie_ladeleistung_w
unit_of_measurement: "W"
state_class: measurement
device_class: power
state: "{{ min(states('sensor.evcc_battery_power_w') | int, 0) | abs | default(0)}}"
Second, you need to create helper sensors “Riemann sum integral” with “k (kilo)” and “hour” for each of these new sensors (and in addition for the pv_grid_power sensor).
Third, you can use this Riemann sensors for the energy dashboard.
(Stefan Boy)
March 20, 2023, 8:30pm
Hello, if you add the unique_id to the sensors you don’t need to do the conversion with Riemann, you can also do this via the user interface at the gear wheel at the top of the sensor.
March 21, 2023, 7:41am
@Bimbo009 I don’t want to convert from W to Wh, but from W to kWh, therefor I need the Riemann helper as far as I know