Now it is possible to switch between 1 phase and 3 phase for my NRGKick Charger, because the charger is not directly implemented in evcc and i have to control it with mqtt as an universal charger. With this switch i change the setting within the evcc and also on the charger.
Hey all,
thanks for the ton of useful sensors. I wanted to get rid of my FiatChamp addon, since its doublicating queries against the FIAT API, so I checked and EVCC nicely had all the values I was looking for.
So I also added the following entities:
Hey there, happy you found this useful.
Seems something weird is going on here.
âevcc/statusâ is not an entity in my installation.
Your EVCC instance should publish the evcc/status topic. Please use an MQTT client ( and check which messages are on the broker. You might want to restart EVCC to trigger a complete set of published messages.
Is there any harm in not having an availability_topic ?
Not in the first step. However, availability is an important concept in Home Assistant. If your EVCC instance is stopped, you will be left with entities holding the last known value published by EVCC. Your HomeAssistant setup will have you believe false/outdated information (Car still at 30% battery charge after a full day of charging). This could also lead to malfunctioning automations etc.
In order to avoid this and to aid in troubleshooting, itâs important to mark an entity as unavailable. This is where the availability_topic is necessary.
Hallo Carsten, das ist absolut in Ordnung! Im Gegenteil, ich finde den Mehrwert den ich auf Anhieb sehe super.
Ich vermute ihr habt euch bewusst dazu entschieden auf Deutsch zu dokumentieren. Das ist gut und fein aber bedeutet leider, dass wir eure Arbeit hier nicht pauschal fĂŒr die breite Community anbieten könnenâŠ
Ăbrigens, ich dachte mir immer mal wieder, dass statt einer verbesserten Liste an yaml entities eine HA integration/component fĂŒr EVCC stark wĂ€re. Die Implementierung kann nicht so kompliziert sein, im wesentlichen mĂŒssen abhĂ€ngig von ge-publish-ten Daten Entities generiert werdenâŠ
it seems my home assistant config is not capable of receiving any evcc mqtt messages.
Home assistant MQTT is running and working with other devices (DTUs from inverters). MQTT account is set up.
EVCC is running and publishing MQTT, IP/Port/User/Password of mqtt home assistant is properly written in the evcc.yaml. I can see the messages via MQTT explorer. There are 0 error messages in the log of EVCC on the debug level.
There is no way to make the mqtt integration of home assistant read the evcc messages. Listening on topic will also not produce anything. Restart of home assistant has not worked. There is nothing in the logs of MQTT (even though debug protocol is activated).
Hi everyone,
there is another new value available: bufferStartSoc names the battery level, when pv mode charging starts even w/o enough live solar power. It can be configured identically to buffersoc.
cu, H