Eve Room (3rd generation) Thred / bluetooth

Initially I setup the Eve Room device in the Eve app with the qr code / pairing code on the back of the device.

When attempting to join to Home Assistant through the HomeKit Device integration, I got an error “This accessory is already paired to another device. Please reset the accessory and try again”.

One of the posts talked about removing the devices from Apple Home similar to the NanoLeaf Essential bulbs (Thread not Matter), but method still gave the error code above.

Another post talking about Eve Thermostats suggested to reset the device (hold the two capacitive buttons until the reset image comes up → press the reset button on the back with a super thin wire within 30 seconds).

This allowed the device to show up in the HomeKit Device integration. Including this info here in case it helps anyone else. Also this article I found in the Discord channel really summarizes the current state of Matter and Thread in Home Assistant https://www.derekseaman.com/2023/10/part-1-smart-home-matter-and-thread-deep-dive.html

Below you can see some of my current card setup and it doesn’t really look that great. Does anyone have any interesting card examples for the Eve Room / other temperature measurements? Alternatively, are there any visualizations that someone would recommend?

- type: entities
          - entity: sensor.eve_room_d19f_air_quality
            name: Air Quality
          - entity: sensor.eve_room_d19f_humidity
            name: Humidity
          - entity: sensor.eve_room_d19f_temperature
            name: Temperature
          - entity: sensor.eve_room_d19f_volatile_organic_compound_density
            name: Volatile Organic Compound Density
        title: Eve Room D19F
      - type: grid
        square: false
        columns: 1
          - type: thermostat
            entity: climate.coolio
      - type: entities
          - entity: sensor.somneo_temperature
            name: Temperature
          - entity: sensor.somneo_humidity
            name: Humidity
        title: Bedroom Somneo
      - type: grid
        square: false
        columns: 1
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.coolio_energy_current
                name: Energy current
              - entity: sensor.coolio_filter_remaining_life
                name: Filter Remaining Life
              - entity: sensor.coolio_room_temperature
                name: Room temperature
              - type: attribute
                entity: climate.coolio
                attribute: temperature
      - type: grid
        square: false
        columns: 1
          - type: entities
              - entity: weather.forecast_home
                show_forecast: true
              - type: attribute
                entity: weather.forecast_home
                attribute: humidity
              - type: attribute
                entity: weather.forecast_home
                attribute: dew_point
              - type: attribute
                entity: weather.forecast_home
                attribute: wind_speed
              - type: attribute
                entity: weather.forecast_home
                attribute: cloud_coverage
              - type: attribute
                entity: weather.forecast_home
                attribute: pressure
              - type: attribute
                entity: weather.forecast_home
                attribute: wind_bearing


How did you add your Eve Room 3rd Gen into HA? It doesn’t work for me unfortunately. I tried to remove it from Apple Home, then to reset it but I still have an error “Invalid flow specified”.

I ended up returning the Eve Room because the Battery was only lasting a month.

I think that I got the steps to reset the Eve Room Thread from this post. Eve Thermo cannot be connected via HomeKit Controller - #8 by aleco

On the Eve Room, you wait until you see the reset symbol on screen (looks like a circular arrow). After the device reboots, it shows up as an option for the HomeKit integration.

One other thing to watch out for is that there are some devices that require you to manually enter the dashes in the Pairing code as listed in this post. Trouble adding an iHome smart plug previously paired to HomeKit

I don’t have the device anymore, so I can’t test it.

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