Every other weekend (schedule)

Thanks so much!

I would like to fire automations every odd day of the month or vice versa
For example: automation should run on 1-3-5…31 dated days

Or should run 2-4-6…30th days of the month

If 2 days have same out put for the last of the month it doesn’t matter

Thanks again

Ok, for true on even numbered days of the month:

{{ now().day % 2 == 0 }}

and for true on odd numbered days of the month:

{{ now().day % 2 == 1 }}
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Really appreciate your support!
Many thanks

Hey everyone, please if any one could answer this. How should I do to get a template sensor that just displays the current week as a number? for example “30” as it is now.

  - platform: time_date
      - 'date'
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Week Number
        value_template: >
          {{ strptime(states('sensor.date'), '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%V') }}

Depending on how your sensor.date is formatted, you may need to adjust the strptime format string accordingly.

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Thank you sooo much, you’re a godsend!

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