Example on setting up esp32 as BLE server?

I got the answer from someone smart in another group. I was converting Int instead of Float. That’s what works for me:

    - mac_address: #your MAC address
      manufacturer_id: FFFF
        - lambda: |-
            float value = *((float*)&x[1]);

wasn’t that suggested to you right here?

I did write I understand but didn’t know how to do it, see below.

Nonetheless, you helped a lot with answers like this:

It tells you in the docs how to set up devices, scan for devices, etc…

Or this:

Have you asked the people in the discord server?

Thanks for pointing out that too, very helpful:

wasn’t that suggested to you right here?

I just really want to thank you for the great help you provided. I didn’t know what I would do without you.

Hopefully my reply helps someone else that is not that good on coding.