Execute PHP at /local

Is there a configuration that enables PHP to execute at /local? I’m trying to run a script outside of Home Assistant’s front end using the domain name I use for Home Assistant.

There are Home Assistant Community Add-Ons that can enable php scripts. The script won’t live at /local though. So these may or may not work for your needs, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish.

See here for one community-member-maintained add-in:

I tried to get that to work and had no success.

I just gave it go and was able to get a php script running with this as the file content:


Check for error logs, and share your config (redacting any personal info, of course). What is the nature of the script you want to use?

No errors. What happens is the PHP file is downloaded.

I can get the same within the HA frontend. I want to run outside the frontend.