Exercise: recreate the default dark theme

I wonder if anybody can help me here…

I’m starting to learn about themes and I’ve set myself the exercise of recreating the standard “dark” theme.

It seems to work, and it looks pretty good (some of the colours may be a bit off, but hey…). What I’m after is additions and corrections to my comments. The point of the exercise is to understand what each item in a theme does - in some cases it’s obvious, in others not so much. Also, have I missed out any important items? (I’m told “paper” is on the way out, so I’ve ignored all those…). Here’s the theme:


  # TEXT COLOURS ######################################

  # Primary/secondary text colour usage in cards varies.

  # Entity card:              primary for entity values, secondary for entity names
  # Most other cards:         primary for titles, entity names and values
  # History graph:            primary for titles and entity names, secondary for axis values
  # Integration cards:        eg Weather - bespoke design - usually primary for main headings and values, secondary for sub headings

  primary-text-color: "#e1e1e1"
  secondary-text-color: "#6c8b9b"

  # Text colour on HA buttons

  text-primary-color: "#e1e1e1"                     # eg in developer tools
  text-light-primary-color: "#1c1c1c"               # eg on user profile button at the bottom of the sidebar
  disabled-text-color: "#bdbdbd"

  # Header text

  app-header-text-color: "#e1e1e1"

  # Badges

  label-badge-text-color: "#e1e1e1"

  # Sidebar

  sidebar-text-color: "#e1e1e1"                     # If omitted defaults to primary text colour
  sidebar-selected-text-color: "#6c8b9b"            # If omitted defaults to secondary text colour

  # BACKGROUND COLOURS ###############################

  # Main display area

  primary-background-color: "#111111"
  card-background-color: "#1c1c1c"
  secondary-background-color: "#585858"             # Behind current item in a dropdown list

  # Sidebar

  sidebar-background-color: "#1c1c1c"

  # Header

  app-header-background-color: "#1c1c1c"

  # Badges

  label-badge-background-color: "#1c1c1c"

  # HA buttons

  warning-color: "#FF9800"                          # In HA buttons like those in Developer Tools
  success-color: "#0f9d58"
  error-color: "#db4437"
  info-color: "#4285f4"

  # Tables

  table-row-background-color: "#1c1c1c"
  table-row-alternative-background-color: "#1c1c1c"

  # ICONS AND SWITCHES ##############################

  # State icons (on/off)

  state-icon-color: "#44739e"
  state-icon-active-color: "#ffff00"

  # Sidebar icons

  sidebar-icon-color: "#929292"
  sidebar-selected-icon-color: "#44739e"            # The sidebar selected background colour is also derived from this

  # Switches

  switch-unchecked-button-color: "#929292"          # Off
  switch-unchecked-track-color: "#9e9e9e"           # Colour of slider behind switch when off
  switch-checked-color: "#03a9f4"                   # On
  switch-checked-track-color: "#0288d1"             # Colour of slider behind switch when on

  # HIGHLIGHT COLOURS ##############################

  accent-color: "#ff9800"                           # eg Notification alert at bottom of sidebar and header icons in edit mode

  # By default binary sensor badges appear outlined in in blue and all others in red.
  # Errors are outlined in orange. This can be changed by substituting hex codes.

  label-badge-red: "#df4c1e"
  label-badge-blue: "#039be5"
  label-badge-green: "#0da035"
  label-badge-yellow: "#f4b400"

  # MISC ###########################################

  scrollbar-thumb-color: "#c2c2c2"
  ha-card-border-radius: "3px"
  divider-color: "#4c4c4c"                         # Line separating main screen from sidebar, gridlines on calendar.

  # Main Interface Colors

  primary-color: "#03a9f4"
  dark-primary-color: "#0288d1"
  light-primary-color: "#b3e5fC"

What do main interface colours do?

Thanks in advance. :mask:

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I’m quite sure Thomas Lovén made a component that could do live changes to the theme from Lovelace.
Search for it and you will probably find it, it will probably be handy for you.

I did a similar exercise for the default theme. Thanks for posting. I found a few variables I need to add.

You can check how you did here: https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/blob/9e99d158fd45753d4bd0ae50ac3831958117211a/src/resources/styles.ts#L3-L34 :smiley: