Existing Garage Door Opener

I use the type: entities with state_color: true and entity: cover.garage_door. The up and down arrow for the buttons both enable. Is there a way to make the down arrow disable when garage door close and up arrow disable when garage door is open.

As per above.

Do you have a sensor to provide feedback of at least one position? (open or closed)

The sensor does provide the open and closed. All sensors are fine. It just the GUI I have problem with. I seen some sample HA GUI on the web the disable those up/down arrow base on the door status.

Show us your code for the cover:

This is in the lovelaceUI
- entity: cover.small_garage_door
name: Small Garage Door State
secondary_info: last-changed
icon: mdi:garage

I am using ESPHome. Here is the partial codes:

  • platform: template
    device_class: garage
    name: “Small Garage Door”
    lambda: !lambda |-
    if (id(small_garage_reed).state) {
    return COVER_OPEN;
    } else {
    return COVER_CLOSED;

    Turn the OPEN switch on briefly

    • switch.turn_on: small_garage_relay
    • delay: 0.5s
    • switch.turn_off: small_garage_relay
    • switch.turn_on: small_garage_relay
    • delay: 0.5s
    • switch.turn_off: small_garage_relay
    • switch.turn_on: small_garage_relay
    • delay: 1s
    • switch.turn_off: small_garage_relay
      optimistic: true
      assumed_state: true



Can you confirm that the ESP is correctly receiving the open / close feedback?

Yes. I been using it to open and close and it also show the status of garage door open or close. I just want the arrow up and down icon to disable if garage door is close the down arrow icon should be disable or hide.

I realise that is what you want, and that is supposed to work which is why I’m trying to help you figure out why it isn’t.

This is all I have for my garage door in Lovelace:

type: entities
  - entity: cover.garage_door
show_header_toggle: false

…and it behaves as you describe:


This is why I wanted you to confirm that the open/close position feedback is working because without it, HA and therefore the card will not be able to display the position status

The difference between us is that I use a template cover vs you using ESPhome. It seems that maybe the status (for showing the correct symbols) is dealt with differently.

I use your sample lovelace file
Both up and down arrows is enable.
Can you show me your configuration esphome file to see what is the differences between mine?
Thank you

I don’t use ESPhome for my garage door, my config is done with an MQTT cover using data from an alarm system