Export Xiaomi sensor values

Very good for everyone and I would like someone to help me with a situation that I have that I would like if they can share a code for me, a tutorial or an example that I recommend to capture the information from the xiaomi temperature sensors what I need in itself is to capture the temperature information.

I think if you have used the app to add the sensor to the gateway, it will automatically appear in HA, so should appear in the frontend as a Badge at the top of the screen provided you haven’t overridden the default view.

If I think they did not understand me, what I’m taking is to capture the information outside the application, that is, receive that information from my computer or another side

If you mean outside of Homeassistant I’m not sure how you would do that, sorry :frowning:

have a look at the influxDB component for a time-series database to store your info

then look into grafana or similar as the visualisation tool for it.

Well, well, well, how incredible is it to say that I can capture the data from a xiaomi temperature sensor and save it on this platform?

Does the consultation of a friend friend have a tutorial or video on how to do this with InfluxDB?

I’m using Xiaomi temperature sensors and I use datadog to view and correlate info about different sensors


Hello Revin a query that the information can export to an external database?

Do you have a tutorial or a video of this process to see? Thanks for your help

Sorry for my ignorance

I have Grafana set up on my PI and I can create this sort of thing…

The tutorial I followed to get it working is below use google translate to get it into your language…


To get it into HA instead of running it through it’s own web site I just added it to a panel.


Excellent thank you Revin with this I’m going to study to see thank you very much for your help

Another query is a similar example but with xiaomi sensors could you reuse it? or would there be another?

Looks perfect but does not work with Hass.io :frowning_face:
At least for me I must say.