External Home Assistant watchdog

@sagilo, I came across your script as I was looking for a simple external watchdog for HA. My use case is for the watchdog to send http commands to my Shelly 1 devices when HA is up or down. The http commands are:
HA down
HA up
Can your script be configured to do this?
Disclaimer: I do not have an IT background but I’m good at following instructions and don’t mind reading to understand things.

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It should be fairly easy, you’ll probably want to fork the repo and override 2 methods to do whatever you want: notifyHaBackUp() and notifyHaDown() Both in Code.gs

Thanks. Realized that I can do this in Node-Red so I went that route instead.

google already knows you gmail address anyway.

***edit: I though last post was October 18, 2020

Thanks, 5 star !!

Hello all,
I was able to install the project without any difficulty, however, I am seeing this error.

I am thinking this is due to the URL format that I am using, I have tried several different small variations to get it to work.
Any suggestions?

Is your HA accessible from this address on port 443 publicly?

hey @sagilo ,
nice script! im tryin to use it with my HA server. but it always returns error 400…
already tried with REST api and it works, not sure what goes wrong with the script.

Looks like your local network is blocking the call from the Google servers…
Check your ports and firewall configuration