I got a electrolytic capacitor and mounted it according to the post and now my board is flashed again. It did not work the first time but finally.
Sorry for my very late response, missed this thread. Were you still able to install the firmware? What I have noticed myself is that it is sometimes better to connect the sensor only after flashing.
If it has already worked, Iām actually curious how well the pulse rate works in combination with the Home Assistant Glow. It is an extreme value compared to the 1000
that is usual in my country.
No problems. I have had up and running for some time now but with another board. I bought three and they have all been difficult to get up and running. I changed to a Wemos D1 mini. I worked great from start and has been stable since I started to use them.
It seems like the pulse rate works ok. I have checked that the consumption is the same for both the meter itself and the Glow meter.