Falcon player sequences triggered by HA for exterior lighting year round

Because @DrZzs did a video on holiday lights referencing Falcon Player and Xlights he asked for me to share how I have it all configured since I made a comment on his post. I successfully at this point have integrated HA sending MQTT commands to Falcon Player which has just recently incorporated MQTT into their project for control of Playlist. I am currently using xLights to create sequence files for my RGB exterior lights for my house which will stay up with year-round looks.

The idea came from @CCOSTAN who has a script that depending on the day will pick a look. I stayed with his format to trigger the look, but instead of triggering a scene I have it sending an MQTT topic to the Falcon player.


 #####  Exterior lights on at sunset  #####
 - alias: "Monthly Holiday Color Scene ON"
   initial_state: True
   # hide_entity: True
     - platform: sun
       event: sunset
     - service: script.monthly_color_scene
 #####  Exterior lights OFF  #####
 - alias: "Monthly Holiday Color Scene OFF"
   initial_state: True
   # hide_entity: True
     - platform: sun
       event: sunrise
     - service: script.monthly_color_off

Flag Sensor

- platform: rest
  resource: http://www.webcal.fi/cal.php?id=335&format=json&start_year=current_year&end_year=current_year&tz=America%2FLos_Angeles
  name: Flag
  scan_interval: 14400
  value_template: >-
    {%- set now_string = now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') %}
    {% for day_val in value_json if day_val.date == now_string  %}
      {% else %}
    {% endfor -%}

Updated flag sensor code since I got it working and tested

    # Original Repo : https://github.com/CCOSTAN/Home-AssistantConfig
    # Youtube Video description of how I use this script
    # https://www.vcloudinfo.com/2018/10/easy-smart-home-gadgets-i-use-for-my.html

    # Falcon Player - FPP
    # MQTT events will be published to "$prefix/falcon/player/$hostname/" with playlist events being in the "playlist" subtopic.
    # FPP will respond to certain events:
    # hassio/falcon/player/FPP/playlist/name/set -- Starts the plalist named in the payload
    # hassio/falcon/player/FPP/playlist/repeat/set -- If payload is "1", will turn on repeat, otherwise it is turned off
    # hassio/falcon/player/FPP/playlist/sectionPosition/set -- Payload contains an integer for the position in the playlist
    # hassio/falcon/player/FPP/event/$MAJ_$MIN -- Starts the event identified by MAJ/MIN
    # hassio/falcon/player/FPP/effect/start -- Starts the effect named in the payload
    # hassio/falcon/player/FPP/effect/stop -- Stops the effect named in the payload or all effects if payload is empty

        - service: mqtt.publish
            topic: hassio/falcon/player/FPP/playlist/name/set
            payload: >
              {%- if states.sensor.flag.state == "True" -%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 101 -%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 210
              and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 214-%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 228 -%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 314 -%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 315
              and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 317-%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 328
              and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 401-%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 422 -%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 504 -%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 505 -%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 1001
              and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 1031-%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 1122
              and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 1123-%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int >= 1201
              and now().strftime("%m%d")|int <= 1230-%}
              {%- elif now().strftime("%m%d")|int == 1231 -%}
              {%- else -%}
              {%- endif -%}_colors
        - delay:
            seconds: 5
        - service: mqtt.publish
            topic: hassio/falcon/player/FPP/playlist/repeat/set
            payload: '1'
            retain: false

        - service: mqtt.publish
            topic: hassio/falcon/player/FPP/playlist/name/set
            payload: 'all_off'
            retain: false
        - delay:
            seconds: 5
        - service: mqtt.publish
            topic: hassio/falcon/player/FPP/playlist/repeat/set
            payload: '0'
            retain: false
Falcon was not originally repeating so I added the repeat set topic for on an off. For Falcon to stop immediately I added a sequence with all the lights off that way it would take immediately when I wanted the lights out.

Here is what I am using to get some feedback with FPP MQTTstate_topics
# Falcon Player MQTT Status Updates
- platform: mqtt
  name: "FPP Repeat Status"
  state_topic: "hassio/falcon/player/FPP/playlist/repeat/status"
- platform: mqtt
  name: "FPP Status"
  state_topic: "hassio/falcon/player/FPP/status"
- platform: mqtt
  name: "FPP Version"
  state_topic: "hassio/falcon/player/FPP/version"

This is my first post here and I have only been using HA for the last year so hopefully it all makes sense.

Thanks, you have got be started with the HA to FPP interface. Now I just need to get some feedback as to what FPP is playing on my HA screen and I’ll be happy.

Here is what I been using as feedback

#Falcon Player MQTT Status Updates
- platform: mqtt
  name: "FPP Repeat Status"
  state_topic: "hassio/falcon/player/FPP/playlist/repeat/status"
- platform: mqtt
  name: "FPP Status"
  state_topic: "hassio/falcon/player/FPP/status"
- platform: mqtt
  name: "FPP Version"
  state_topic: "hassio/falcon/player/FPP/version"

Ahh i never considered using the version as well, but that’s a great idea. I plan on getting HA to monitor my remote PI’s for the garden lights (1 now, a second one to be added soon in the back yard), and maybe the master Pi during the Christmas Light season as well, thanks for your help

Just thinking about doing this and now you are my hero. I am thinking about getting the wifi flood lights, flashing them with Tuya Convert and making them E1.31 compatible and making a playlist that makes them normal lighting and during Christmas permanent lighting. This should allow home assistant to control that. Thank you!

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See here Control Tons of RGB LED wifi with FFP via HOME ASSISTANT