Fall back to relay if not connected to HA

I have a Shelly 1L connected with a toggle switch. The output is connected to a smart light bulb and the relay is in detached mode (always on). Under normal circumstances (if the Shelly is connected to the network and can access HA) it should call a HA service to turn the smart light bulb. However, if something is wrong, I want to use the relay to toggle the light. Below you can find my config, which is basically an adapted version of a Shelly 1 config in the documentation.

The way I test this setup is that I turn on the smart light and then disconnect HA from the network by pulling the ethernet plug. This should make the if-statement evaluate to False and the relay should kick in when I toggle the switch. However, it doesn’t.

I’m wondering if anyone here can help me with this problem. Perhaps I’m doing something wrong in the config or the way I test this isn’t a supported use-case?

Shelly config
  device_name: kitchen

# Basic Config
  name: ${device_name}
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
    ssid: ${device_name}
    password: !secret wifi_password


  port: 80

  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO5
    id: shelly_1l_relay

  - platform: gpio
    name: ${device_name} Input
      number: GPIO4
    # small delay to prevent debouncing
      - delayed_on_off: 50ms
    # config for state change of input button
          - if:
                  - wifi.connected:
                  - api.connected:
                  - switch.is_on: shelly_1l_relay
              # toggle smart light if wifi and api are connected and relay is on
                # - switch.toggle: shelly_1l_relay
                - homeassistant.service:
                    service: light.toggle
                      entity_id: light.kitchen_light
              # else, toggle relay
                - switch.toggle: shelly_1l_relay
    id: button

Why not use on_click: or on_press:?

I would have thought that by using on_state: you will trigger this twice, once on press and once on release, thus switching the relay on then off again?

Thanks for your response! I’m using a toggle/rocker switch, not a push/momentary switch. If I flip the switch it stays on either “on” or “off” until I switch it back, so there’s only one state change per toggle.

As an aside, you can do clicks with toggle switches, but it’s a kind of special control. It works by flipping the switch from ON to OFF and then ON again for a single click. I’m actually using it to dim the smart bulb: 100% brightness with a long click, 50% with a short click, and 10% with a double click.

I’ve checked the source code for the ESPHome API server and it relies on a list of connected clients to decide the value for api.connected. If the list of clients is empty, it’s False and True otherwise (I see this is also in the documentation here). I assume each client is added to the list after connecting, but they’re only removed if they’re explicitly disconnecting. This would mean that when I pull the ethernet cable from HA, the ESPHome device is left with a stale connection, e.g., it thinks there’s still a client connected, even though it can’t be reached. This makes sense since the alternative is to ping the client to check if it’s still alive, which is a huge pain.

If this is the case, I’d need a way to periodically clean the list of clients (e.g. by pinging them) or find an alternative way to ensure the HA service call will be picked up. Alternatively, I could handle this by handling a timeout on the service call: attempt to toggle the smart bulb, and if it times out, assume HA is offline and fall back to the relay. Does anyone have experience with any of these approaches?

Ah - a toggle switch… Noisy - no wonder you need a debounce.

I’m assuming your HA instance doesn’t disconnect and reconnect all day, and this is just to reliably toggle the relay when disconnected? If so then some overhead in determining if you are still connected is probably acceptable, but will will require more complex code than the simple api.connected test you are doing.

Or maybe more time? Unplug then wait a minute or so.

Indeed, it’s only to reliably toggle the relay when disconnected. I’m fine with more complex code than just api.connected, but I don’t know where to start. Do you happen to have any pointers for me?

Ok - I have read a few things on Reddit and finally found the one I remembered.

Seems api.connected is only useful on startup and you use Status Binary Sensor to detect disconnects:

You can then supposedly:

  1. Detect and display connected state in HA (not useful for you)
  2. On ESPHome trigger an automation on_release:
  3. Use the state as a check in other automations (what you want)

Let us know if it works.

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Also - I noticed you don’t have reboot_timeout: configured in your api: section.

If you don’t disable this by setting it to 0s, the device will reboot after 15 minutes disconnected from HA.

Need to buy some Shellies. This has the perfect WAF potential.

@zoogara Thanks a lot for taking the time to investigate this! Your suggestion made a lot of sense to me and I immediately tried it. I’m sorry to say it doesn’t work :disappointed: I’ve looked into the source code for the status component and it seems to use exactly the same logic as api.connected, so the result is the same. The state of the status component stays “on” even though HA is disconnected from the network. It doesn’t matter how long I wait; it stays this way.

The ESPHome devices and HA don’t seem to maintain an open connection (something like a WebSocket) which would be implemented by the two ends pinging each other to keep the connection alive. This means that one end can go offline without the other end knowing about it.

I found out you can send HTTP requests from ESPHome and set a timeout for them. I could call the HA light.toggle service this way. However, there doesn’t seem to be a way to bind a callback that executes when the request times out.

So it seems I’m still out of luck. I really hope someone can figure this one out, as I think it’s very useful! Today I cut off the power when I was fiddling with the wall switches. When I turned it back on it took almost 10 minutes for my router to fully startup. In the meantime, the only light that worked was the one with the Shelly that’s configured with the fallback mode. It worked because HA never connected to it, so the number of clients it counted was zero and api.connected was False, which enabled the relay. Worked like a charm! This was an uncommon situation though and it wouldn’t work during a more frequent HA reboot, unfortunately.

Based on the function description, maybe it’s worth logging a ticket on the ESPhome GitHub.

I’ve managed to implement the fallback using the amazing ping sensor, which is an external component by trombik. I use it to regularly ping Home Assistant from the ESP. The sensor exposes two values: latency and packet loss. When flipping the wall switch, I simply check if the packet loss is 100%. If it is, something must be amiss and it falls back to the relay instead.

It’s not a pretty solution and there are some downsides, but it works well enough for me. I can tweak the number of pings and the interval. More pings take more time but make false positives less likely. If I set the interval too short, I’m pinging a lot, which can become a problem if I have many devices doing this, though I don’t expect to run into this.

Shelly 1L config with fallback mode
  device_name: kitchen

# Basic Config
  name: ${device_name}
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m
    - ESP8266WiFi
    - https://github.com/akaJes/AsyncPing#95ac7e4

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
    ssid: ${device_name}
    password: !secret wifi_password


  port: 80
  - source: github://trombik/esphome-component-ping
    components: [ ping ]

  - platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO5
    id: shelly_1l_relay
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON

  - platform: gpio
    name: ${device_name} Input
      number: GPIO4
    # small delay to prevent debouncing
      - delayed_on_off: 50ms
          - if:
                  - wifi.connected:
                  - api.connected:
                  - switch.is_on: shelly_1l_relay
                  - lambda: return id(packet_loss).state < 100;
              # toggle smart light if wifi and api are connected and relay is on
                # - switch.toggle: shelly_1l_relay
                - logger.log:
                    format: "Packet loss '%.1f'"
                    args: [ 'id(packet_loss).state' ]
                - homeassistant.service:
                    service: light.toggle
                      entity_id: light.kitchen_lights
              # else, toggle relay
                - switch.toggle: shelly_1l_relay
    id: button

  - platform: ping

    # IP address of Home Assistant

    # number of packets to send
    num_attempts: 5

    # the timeout. however, this is not what you usually expect from `ping`
    # implementation: the timeout is also the interval to send packets. if you
    # set this value to 10 sec, and the network is fine (no packet loss), then
    # the component sends a packet at 10 sec interval, and the total time to
    # finish would be 10 sec * num_attempts = 10 * 17 = 170 sec.
    timeout: 1sec

      # the name to be shown.
      id: packet_loss
      name: Packet loss

      # the name to be shown.
      id: latency
      name: Latency
      # this should be 3 as the value is float, unit is sec, and the raw
      # values are in ms.
      accuracy_decimals: 3

    # the interval for checking the sensors. defaults to 60s.
    update_interval: 10s

  pin: GPIO0

Note that ping depends on two additional libraries, which are included in the first block.

To make the fallback mode complete, I’ve configured my Zigbee smart bulbs to turn on by default after loss of power. This ensures that if a bulb is ‘soft off’ (powered, but shut off by HA) and a problem occurs, I can take the power off using the wall switch (utilizing the Shelly in fallback mode) and then on again, which will turn the light on (since that’s the default).

I’m pretty confident this will enable me to use my lights as long as I have power :grin: Let me know if this was useful to any of you!