Far field satellite with an Elegant 3d printed enclosures

I believe you can say “Cancel” to stop the wake word from detecting. I have a box-3 now and tested that PR out yesterday and it worked, but as you said, if you’re in a loud environment it doesnt work so well. I ended up reverting back for the box-3 to the default but modified the idle screen to display a clock which i think is really handy.

  name: esp32-s3-box-3-6405bc
  friendly_name: Kitchen ESP Box
  micro_wake_word_model: alexa
  esphome.voice-assistant: github://esphome/firmware/wake-word-voice-assistant/esp32-s3-box-3.yaml
  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
    key: [redacted]
  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

    - homeassistant.service:
        service: media_player.play_media
          entity_id: media_player.the_kitchen
          media_content_id: !lambda 'return x;'
          media_content_type: music
          announce: "true"

  - file: 
      type: gfonts
      family: Orbitron
      weight: 500
    glyphs: "0123456789:"
    id: font_large
    # bpp: 4
    size: 95

  - id: text_time
    platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: sensor.local_clock
        - component.update: s3_box_lcd

  - id: !extend s3_box_lcd
      - id: !extend idle_page
        lambda: |-
          it.printf(160, 120, id(font_large), id(listening_color), TextAlign::CENTER, "%s", id(text_time).state.c_str()); 

This requires a template string sensor in HA which is super simple to create:

{{ now().timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%-I:%M') }} 

Now that i have those all working, im gonna start focusing on my korvo 1.1s. Hopefully i can get that all working.

How do you broadcast it to your sonos without the amp etc?

Are you talking about piping the TTS out to a different speaker? I do that through HA.
Voice Assistant/ESPHome > HA media_player > speaker.

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@Alextrical did you ever print a case for your korvo 1.1? If so, mind sharing updates and/or print files?

I’m still using that older model posted. Printed on a bluish PETG CF combo. Took apart an old Alexa. It just fits but no way to route the 3.5mm jack anywhere and didn’t feel like doing that. That ribbon cable freaks me out sometimes. Literally the worst place for it on the korvo-1 (I don’t :speech_balloon: there’s a huge hardware payout difference between the 2, outside the -1 has 2 micro USB ports, one for power and one for UART). That Alexa had a surprisingly well built speaker that I’ll be snagging. I should know how to cut a hole out for the 3.5mm audio jack in a slicer but haven’t yet.

I thought you had to allow the ESPHome device to make HA service calls. If you go to devices, then ESPHome where the list shows up and each device has a “configure” option, you get the below

ESPHome devices can make service calls to any Home Assistant service. This functionality is not enabled by default for newly configured device, but can be turned on the options flow on a per device basis.

Yup, has to be done but then you could use one of the 2 below services to output audio, or should be able to.



Yep, that will allow the communication between esphome and HA but you also need to configure the on_tts_end to pipe the wav to a media player which is what i was talking about.

Okay, that makes total sense now. I was just a bit confused. I don’t think you used to have to specifically allow a device to make HA service calls from ESPHome. I think that might have been added at some point but if/when it was I’m not sure.

Did anyone else have any issues with the latest core update? All my voice assistants, regardless of microwakeword just stopped working. This included Korvo-1, USB speakerphone hooked directly to HA server using Assist Microphone and Openeakeword, and Android phone which I have to long press the power button so no wake word involved. They all reply but nothing happens. Like turning a light on, it says “okay” but it doesn’t trigger actions.

I always take a full backup before a core upgrade so restring is the solution for now. Lastly, has any tried the below board? It seems like a Korvo V1.1 clone but doesn’t use a ribbon cable. There is a male pin connector on the bottom board and a female connector on the bottom of the mic array board. While it only has 4MB ROM, that’s still more than enough for me. It does have 8MB of external PSRAM. Seems like a bargain for the price.

ESP32-LyraTD-MSC Development Board ESP32 WiFi Bluetooth-compatible Audio Module ESP32-WROVER-E 4MB Flash 8MB P-SRAM

My devices are all working currently although im just using 2 box-s3’s. I havent plugged my korvo 1.1’s in recently as i was hoping for things to harden and for someone smarter than me to figure out the secret sauce. I’ve heard a few folks talking about the lyra boards and have had some success with them. The pin seems like such a better design than the ribbon cables for sure.

Edit: ok so i tested my boxes after updating HA and EspHome and what im seeing happening is the wakeword not stopping after executing an action. Its just stuck listening until I can ask it again to cancel. Then it goes back to idle.

Hmm. Original issue was some old deprecated stuff for the recorder in my configuration.yaml and then everything started working although some things have been flaky. Might roll back. Just an FYI, the I2/tts doesn’t work with esp_adf which to my knowledge is required for microwakeword. When trying to do the below (per the docs) and from the HA forums to actually send audio to an external speaker. Once I got the config correct it instantly went red. While hovering over it it said “i2s_audio doesn’t work with esp_adf” or something similar and per the docs you have to install the i2s_audio component now to play on an external speaker for audio.

Today’s release of Music Assistant 2.0 has me even more stoked for this project! It would be awesome if the device ends up being supported as a player by Music Assistant.


Yep you’re right. I meant openWakeWord vs microWakeWord. My bad.

Hi, I’ve recently completed this:

It needs some minor tweaks but will be being uploaded here: GitHub - joey-90/ESP32-S3-Korvo-1---Voice-Assistant: Yaml configuration for ESP Home using an Espressif ESP32-S3-KORVO-1 board. shortly.


Looks very nice, looking forward to seeing construction details.

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where did you get that case? did you design it?