I have a aeotec multisensor 6 in the bathroom, it is usb powered hole in ceiling to loft for power. When LUX is at a certain level and motion is detected, it turns on the lights. It works, but not great.
Sometimes it triggers fairly quickly, othertimes can take 2-3 seconds, if not more. I thought with it being powered it would be quick but it does feel sluggish to trigger.
Are there any faster sensors out there please? wifi preferable but it has to look nice. I have made a couple of the BRUH ones, but they aren’t nice enough to put in the bathroom
The most responsive I found is a Hc-sr501 motion sensor connected through Mysensors gateway.
I have one of each Aeotec Multisensor, Fibaro Multi sensor, BRUH Multi sensor and a XIAOMI Mi Human Body Sensor(second most responsive-IMHO).
thanks, was starting to wonder if I am just wasting more money I use the aeotec to come on with lux levels, etc but the Xiaomi cannot… but I have a aeotec multi outside and will use real world lux levels instead of ones in the bathroom. Might work well…
I have also ordered a wireless wall switch (CHEAP!!) and that switch for £5 looks amazing thanks!