I currently have 27 in an ASUS RT-AX68U, spread over on 2 floor-plan, concrete basement, some weak signals, but never any serious issue, 5 WiFi cams , and plugs, and 2 motion sensors(usb powered) , but a handful is currently stashed away.(think it was 31 at a time, but i just got 4 new also)
Don’t know your Router, but i guess you’ll notice when it’s hits the limit, depends on various factors ( i.e how much they are “talking” )
My Set-Manual-IP-Settings in the DHCP-Scope is 65max, but i wonder how it goes with i.e the Memory, but i guess it has it’s smart ways to handle that as well , we’ll see , or i will
PS: I also have 2 wired Zigbee coordinators, on 2 different Zigbee channels ( and 2 different brands, so yes obviously devices of same brands, build basically to plug and play ) so no tingle tangle with strange “zigbee” problems or weird names , and settings for communication what so ever, And there are tons of Issues in here daily weekly, im just glad i don’t have to read them, and same time wonder how come ?