I˚m not hunting anything. Sorry if you got that impression.
I˚d be just as happy with a nice work-around. And if not, I at least know it`s a feature.
Was replying to maxym, not you. The forum like to hide the direct reply arrow if the reply is directly below the person you’re replying to. Also, you as the thread owner get notifications when anyone replies in a thread, which is what lead to the confusion.
Regarding this
Can you confirm that the friendly_name inside HA has the full name? If so, then HomeKit also added this functionality. You can override the homekit names in the entity_config section.
This was a fun read
I get the names from ZigBee2MQTT. Like “Kitchen - Lamp”. This gives me default friendly name “Kitchen - Lamp”.
Without changing the name HA renames it to " - Lamp" in the default UI.
This is also how it shows up when passing it on the HomeKit.
Ok, so to fix it in HomeKit adjust the names in the entity_config section of your HomeKit configuration.
Hopefully it will be a UI option soon, to avoid configuration.yaml edits.
This turned into a major pain. Once another integration adds the device like Bedroom - Multisensor. I then rename the device in Home Assistant to avoid the Friendly name * - Multisensor*. Once you then go into 4-5 different sensors, the updated entity_id sometimes picks up the change and sometimes not. So now it all needs to be manually reviewed.