Feature Request: flux start_time="sunrise"

I wake up early and have my phone/computers set to adjust their screen temperature at sunrise/sunset. I’m also having to work from home for a few months in an “office” with no window.

I setup home assistant (hassio) with flux to control the light temperature in my “office” and it works fine during the day and in the evening. I would like it to transition the lights at roughly the same time my computers do (sunrise).

Would it be possible to add an option to make the start_time be sunrise? I think this should be relatively easy since you already get sun events for sunset.


The same component that gives you a sunset event also gives you a sunrise event (ditto dusk and Dawn plus others,) read the sun.sun documentation.

And the Flux component is a Switch, you simply omit start and stop time and enable/disable Flux using an automation based on sun component‘s events.

So I’m not interested in turning on or off the lights automatically; I’m interested in the light temperature being set.

If I turn on the light before sunrise, it should be the previous temperature set at sunset. My issue is that the start_time for flux is a fixed time. At present I have to adjust the flux config periodically as sunrise changes.

I did come across that component, it’s not clear how to actually install it for my setup (raspi3 where I loaded the hass.io image).

Flux is in the core with clear documentation on how to use it.

It’s custom.

Start with HACS and install it from the HACS interface.

I’m not dismissing your feature request, simply pointing you towards an immediate solution. Feature requests usually take time to make it into builds.

I didn’t entirely suggest that you turn the light on or off but the automation at sunrise can check if the light is on and adjust the temperature, or you can set a desired temp in an input number and when the light comes on it looks at that.
The reason I offered this was because you specifically asked for a sunrise event just like the sunset. Perhaps your question was not clear enough. (so far you’ve read 8m)
Alternatively use the circadian as Petro suggests.

That‘s what I said. By turning on switch.flux, light temperature of configured lights is adjusted. Turning the lights on or off can be done independently

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