FFmpeg Camera has stopped working

Just recently, the ffmpeg camera component has stopped working. I can stream the same links from VLC smoothly but it just loads infinitely on Home Assistant. I also can’t make image_processing.scan requests, with it also infinitely hanging.
I am running the latest 92.2 on Hass.io with a Raspberry Pi 3
This is my config that has worked for the last 1.5 years so I see nothing wrong with it:

    - platform: ffmpeg
      input: rtsp://****:****@192.168.*.***/Streaming/Channels/202
      name: Front Door

Is this happening to anyone else? I think it may be something to do with the new streaming options in lovelace.

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Yes, same for me.

potentially there is a bug somewhere in the streaming function…

Or the ffmpeg binary shipped with hassio?

I got things working. Strangely when I delete cookies and website data on my browser I am able to stream the cameras. I have no idea how this has anything to do with FFMpeg or streaming but it works and I won’t complain!