Ffmpeg only displaying on card

Hi all, I am working on a foscam camera and pulling an rtsp stream. This works great in the card, but when the card is clicked, which would bring it fullscreen I get a little box with no video layered over top. I would normally expect this to show the live video, which is what happens if I use the foscam configuration. I would just use the foscam config, but want a higher framerate than every 2 secs.

avconv -i “rtsp:///videoMain”

(I am running on a pi obviously)

works without error…

If I tail the home-assistant.log file I don’t get any ffmpeg related errors (same if I grep the log for ffmpeg).

This is basically a brand new install from last week, and admittedly I have not tried updating to the latest…

If someone has a hint or a bit of debugging please let me know.


I have not had any luck with rtsp and had to resort to the slower config. I am interested in this though. I run 2 FI9821P, 2 FI8904W and have 3 FI8906W delivering this week.

For 9821 I use the Foscam platform and for the 8904 I had to use the Generic http.

Did you manage to work around this issue?

I was able to get rtsp on 2 Amcrest cameras using something from another user here (don’t have name handy but thank you!):

camera 5:
 platform: ffmpeg
 input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://username:password@ipaddress:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1
 name: Driveway Cam
 ffmpeg_bin: /usr/bin/ffmpeg
 extra_arguments: -q:v 2


Look at this thread. It has a tonne of useful information.

Didn’t find anywhere a solution to get live stream from HA. I get a image refresh every minute and that’s it.

Is it the way it is supposed to work?

Did you manage to get this working in the meantime? I am also struggling with a ridiculous low framerate inside Hass for both my webcams