Fibaro FIBEFGK-101-ZW5 window sensor - does it work?


quick question: I’m about to get me a Fibaro FIBEFGK-101-ZW5 window sensor.
Does anyone have one of these? Does it work (well) with HA?

Thanks in advance,

To answer myself:
I just got the sensor and it seems to work, but it’s not recognized by name yet, so support through openzwave might be limited.

After including the sensor in the network, I’m seeing these sensors pop up in HA:


As with the zwave+ version of the Fibaro multisensor, the binary_sensor does not reflect the state of the sensor.
For me, it’s currently on all the time.

The state of the door/window the sensor is attached to can be read from the
sensor.unknown_id010f_unknown_type0701_id1001_access_control_9_9 sensor.
Its values are:

23 == closed (i.e. magnet closes the devices magnetic sensor)
22 == open (i.e. magnet not near the device)
254 == tampering alert (the switch on the back side of the sensor triggered)

What the sensor considers open and closed can be configured through the FGK’s attributes.
So it’s possible to have the sensor report an opened window when the magnet is “in range”.

I added a template sensor to make this a little more convenient:

platform: template
    value_template: '{% if states.sensor.unknown_id010f_unknown_type0701_id1001_access_control_9_9 %}
      {% if states.sensor.unknown_id010f_unknown_type0701_id1001_access_control_9_9.state == "23" %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}'
    friendly_name: 'Bedroom Window'
    entity_id: sensor.unknown_id010f_unknown_type0701_id1001_access_control_9_9

I also attached a DS18B20 temperature sensor to the Fibaro, and it’s providing the current room temperature through the sensor.unknown_id010f_unknown_type0701_id1001_temperature_9_1 sensor now.
This worked out of the box, no trickery needed here.

However, when adding the temperature sensor after the FGK had already been included in a zwave network, the FGK needs to be removed and re-added to the network.


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After temporarily going back to HA 0.35.3 and removing/readding the sensor to the zwave network, it is finally regognized with its actual name:


The state of the binary_sensor entity binary_sensor.fibaro_system_fgk10x_door_opening_sensor_sensor_16_0 now reflects the actual state of the (hardware) sensor, i.e. door/window opened or closed, so there should be no need to read it from the access_control sensor value.

I also found out that the burglar sub-sensor’s value is 0 when the (TMP) switch on the back side of the device is pressed (normal state when the sensor is installed) and it switches to 3 when the switch is released (tampering with the device).


are you getting any response from the fibaro sensor. I can see the binary sensor but it just don’t respond anymore now.

Yes, it’s working fine for me.
The binary sensor switches to on when the window is opened and is off when it’s closed.
I do however use the access_control sensor to trigger automations as I feel that this is a little more reliable (the binary sensor entity for my fibaro motion sensor doesn’t work at all most of the time, so I’m a little reluctant towards the binary sensor).
The only thing that’s bothering me so far is that the access_control sensor sometimes, when restarting HA and thus reinitializing the ZWave network, switches to “tamper alert” mode (= 254) and it can’t be “fixed” until the window is opened (and closed again).
A network restart shouldn’t cause this in my opinion, but even if so, the tamper alert should only last for a few seconds - at least that’s what I configured.
Anyway, I can live with that.


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where can i find the temper alert setting. There is nothing showing up in configure button when open openzwave page

Have a look at the sensor manual for the different parameters.
Tamper alert cancellation delay is parameter 30 (defaults to 5 seconds).
You can set these parameters via the dev-tools section in the HA UI by calling zwave/set_config_parameter.
The payload should look like this:

  "node_id": xx,
  "parameter": yy,
  "value": zz


FYI my thread about the access_control value problem. I also have two Sensative Strips door sensors and they do the same thing. Which means 100% of my Z-Wave sensors do this for now, not that great start for this technology… Anyway:

The state of the binary_sensor entity binary_sensor.fibaro_system_fgk10x_door_opening_sensor_sensor_16_0 now reflects the actual state of the (hardware) sensor

How did you get this to work?

I didn’t do anything special. As I wrote, at that time I downgraded to 0.35.3 and was able to add the sensor so that openzwave recognized it by name.
After that, the binary_sensor entity just worked out of the box and it does so since.
I’m at 0.39.3 now.

If it doesn’t for you, maybe try re-adding it to your network.
If you can get reliable data from the binary sensor, maybe that solves your problem with the 254/255 values for the access control sensor.
