Fibaro nodes not supporting ZWavePlusInfoCmd_Get and ZWavePlusInfoCmd_Get command classes, how to disable them permanently

Re-including doesn’t help either.

I’m not sure it’s (only) Fibaro. There are more topics here on this forum with all the same sort of problems, not only Fibaro.
Commands sent to a node, which it doesn’t support, then waits for 10 seconds for an answer, meanwhile queuing all other commands, so they will be delayed for at least 10 seconds. If you have a series of dropped commands, you can guess the result.

Every time OZW analyzer is complaining about all nodes not supporting commandclass ZWavePlusInfoCmd_Get and the wall plugs also not supporting SwitchAllCmd_Get.

The config files: don’t include these command classes. It even says in the comments:
<!-- COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_ALL not supported -->.

In the zwcfg_*.xml, I see COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_ALL is enabled for all the nodes.
Where does this come from? How do I disable them, OZW should not use this commands class. Most of the time, if not always, the nodes don’t respond to these commands anyway, so OZW should not send these…
It will at least get rid of most of the dropped commands, if not all…

You could shutdown HA, modify your zwcfg.xml file to comment/remove the offending lines. It shouldn’t re-find them unless you re-include.

It is finally working. No more timeouts or dropped commands. Switching the 5 wall plugs on and off takes half a second. Nice.

Still don’t get it why OZW is enabling these command classes though. The configuration XML file says that at least COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_ALL should be removed for the wall plug.

The devices may be responding what that as a feature they support. Normally OZW goes by what’s in it’s XML files.

Pi rebooted today. The zwcfg_*.xml I edited is overwritten by HA, so back are the annoying timeouts.
Isn’t there a permanent solution?

You can try modifying the XML files for the devices.