FIBARO System FGFS101 Zwave+ Flood Sensor

That suggests that something should have changed at that point, probably sensor.fib_flood_sensor1_alarm_level and/or sensor.fib_flood_sensor1_alarm_type

When triggering the Water Sensor two states changes:
sensor.fib_flood_sensor1_alarm_type: 0 -> 5
sensor.fib_flood_sensor1_flood: 254 -> 0

How do I use this in my alert-code?

Use can use either platform: state or platform: numeric_state on either of those, for example:

  alias: Water water everywhere
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.fib_flood_sensor1_alarm_type
    above: 0
    <some action here>

Very nice. It works. All smiles!

- alias: Water water everywhere
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.fib_flood_sensor1_alarm_type
    above: 0
    - service: notify.ios_Tomahawk_iphone_6
        message: 'You are drowning!'

One thing I noticed. After the first notification, after triggering the water sensor once more. No messages was received. Do I ave to reset some pararamerts?
Turns out, when restarting Hassio, I got my second notification.

How do I call the Alert component(?), so I can add to buttons on the message, so I can turn the sensor alarm off with one of them? - Thats what I am trying achiev.

My goal with my Hassio is just to get two water sensors and three smoke sensor working. If I can get one to work, I think can manage the restā€¦

Alerts are explained here. You can turn any off from the web interface, but to turn it off from a notification would require that the notification method supports actions. Not all do.

I have the same sensor, but it is paired with my Vera Plus controller. I can see the alarm in the Vera app, but the binary sensor in Home Assistant always reports off. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

In case anyone needs, this is what worked for me -

Only the ā€¦alarm_level changed values that meant something for me:
0 - all is OK
2 - flooding
3 - movement

so my adaption to @Tinkerer code above is:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Flood sensor'
        value_template: >- 
          {%- if states("sensor.flood_sensor_alarm_level") | int > 0 -%}
          {%- else -%}
          {%- endif -%}  

(I donā€™t distinguish between movement and flooding as I assume that if a movement has occurred, I need to verify anywayā€¦).


@sjn37 - Did you get this figured out? Iā€™m having the same problem with a First Aid Z-Wave smoke/CO detector. I see the alerts in Vera but the binary sensor in HA stays off.

No, I did not solve it. I think it requires changes in the VERA interface code. The flood sensor shows up as a binary sensor and the template method will not work.

Thanks for the quick reply. For whatever itā€™s worth - I found a work around. Since the arm switch works correctly, I created a scene on the Vera that arms the smoke detector with smoke and disarms it with smoke off and based my HA automations on the status of arm/disarm, same for the CO detector. This renders the arm switch useless for itā€™s original purpose but I didnā€™t really plan to use it anyway - I want to be notified no matter what if smoke is detected so Iā€™m okay with it. Not optimal but it gets the functionality that Iā€™m looking for on the HA side so Iā€™ll take it.