Fibaro Wall Plug 2 is on but it shows off in lovelace

I moved around some switches in my house. Also have 1 cached node(switch) for my christmas tree that i don’t use and sometimes when i have a delay in switches I plug the cached switch back in the socket to make it a complete node. This fixes the problem for me too.
Also changed the polling intensity from 0 to 1 for the switch that causes the delay. That helped allot.

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Hi Grizzly,

I tried every way I could, I switched from the AEON Z Stick to a UZB1, I tried using the ZWAVE integration, ZWAVE2MQTT, made changes to the files, google day in and out and I was never able to make them work steadily.

My solution was to get a Home Center 2 from ebay. Now I am able to control those Fibaro wall plugs without any single issue through HC2 and the Fibaro Home Center Integration.
