Figure out time remaining

This might interest you: Human spoken time - Share your Projects! - Home Assistant Community (

I am trying to put this in configuration.yaml but i am getting nowhere.
Could you please show me what the sensor would look like in configuration.yaml?
THNX, Henk.

Template - Home Assistant (

  - sensor:
      - name: Human spoken time
        unique_id: human_spoken_time
        state: >

etc., etc., etc., etc.


Add this template: !include_dir_merge_list includes/templates/ (Splitting up the configuration) to your configuration.yaml and copy/paste the code from Human spoken time into a new yaml file located in includes/template (includes/template/humanspokentime.yaml for example).

This sensor only says the current time, you can adopt it though to say the time remaining. Unfortunately I haven’t found a way for a way to translate every given time into a nicely spoken one.