File structure in hassos?

Ah ! so YOU need to be writting the manual for ALL us proxmox noooooooobs !

Well … - … if they DO deprecate generic linux install !


Not bloody likely!

I refuse to use HassOS. :wink:

I have a NUC running Alpine Linux running core on docker, and I have everything I need through Docker, have complete control over my entire system, and don’t have any of the issues that people continually post about with their setups. My stuff runs phenomenally stable. I have actually posted my setup before…I think it was about 3 years ago, and not much has changed on it. Still running pretty much the exact same setup, just updating HA when x.1/2/3… are released (and keeping my containers updated docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

I have my appliance dialed in just fine. :wink:

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Awwww … … … Not even if I say “pretty please with sugar on it” ?


Ah (word substituted as “Largest Island in Thailand” ) we’ll just see what ‘next week’ brings us


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I’m pretty much exactly the same except for a couple of details - I use Debian and I’m at least willing to give HA Supervised a try.

I’m pretty new on testing HA Supervised but it’s been running for a couple of weeks now including spanning an upgrade but I don’t see how people are having so many issues with it that it would cause so many “support/maintenance issues” beyond the normal issues for HA updates in general…

Besides I thought we were the support system for people who have issues. I’ve seen what the response is to someone who comes on here directly asking a dev for help. :grimacing: BAN HAMMER So it’s not like they are getting overloaded giving support for people asking for help in the forums.

You know me better than I thought! :laughing:

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Over the last 4 years, I have tried every available option for running HA. Over the last 3 years, I try out the supervised option in a VM about every 6 months to see what the fuss is about. It doesn’t appeal to me in the slightest.

That’s known as the “KarmHA Sutra


I like to think of it as “thinking about what you are doing” rather than “flailing around just in the hope that you’ll eventually get where you wanted to be”


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I pretty much completely agree.

Every time I’ve tried it I never actually make the switch in my production system and just keep coming back to HA core in docker.

Unfortunately I do my fair share of that too! :laughing:

I’m pretty certain I’m going back to docker-compose tbh. The supervisor is alright, but when the ‘on hold’ becomes a ‘off hold’ and hassos is the only way to get it, I’m not convinced it’s a good bet.

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I actually belly laughed at this btw :laughing: