Find bluetooth speaker

Yes, and in the known_devices.yaml you can find the MAC address of the bluetooth device.

Yes exactly. Now all I need is how to connect to it and use it as a remote speaker.

Hello @hevolution
Do you resolve it ? I’m interrested in buying some bluetooth speakerphone to add a mic and a speaker in the same time to my hassio Pi3, but I’m not sure that will works…

Nope. Still waiting for the update with BT controls. Adding a mic is easy if USB. Thar is my actual setup for emulating Google assistant.

Well, I’m also very curious about how to pair with a Bluetooth speaker to work with Google Assistant.
The documentation is very brief:

I am currently trying to achieve the same, connect rpi3 with JBL charge 3 speaker to use with Google Assistant.
I have enabled the Bluetooth device_tracker component and captured the Mac address.

This part looks promising except for the sudo part.

I will take a look into creating it into an addon (or fork the current Bluetooth addon).

Just leaving this as a possibly usefull resource

Any update on that?

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i’m interested too, also in connecting multple bt speakers with or using a Bluetooth Hands-free Speakerphone…

nope … still looking …

Im interested in this too! Since i’m using Hassio there is no way to sudo install pulseaudio like the other post said

I’m also interested in this. I too have Hassio.

I am also waiting a solution for this

This would be really useful. Have the bluetooth set up and discovery as well but it only lists the bluetooth speaker as a gps and there’s no way to control it.

Maybe someone would be able to submit a feature request for, for Bluetooth audio. I would surely love to have this feature as well


If you have an Android device available, you can get the voice by using notifications and notification reader. I use push bullet for notifications and out loud for reading those notifications.

Any news for Hassio users?

This would be a awesome addon for announcements! I want Morgan Freeman to welcome me home when i open the door lol

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Could this be accomplished using a speaker connected from a Aux cable plugged in directly to the pi?

Yes. You can use the mopidy plugin for hassio for that