apparently they are not. It is a matter of being triggered or not, and hence getting set. at startup this is the situation:
after triggering manually (the set conditions aren’t yet met):
so, I need a safeguard for the case the automation hasn’t been triggered yet. And that s why I had the default(0) in there, but that obviously isn’t correct.
Id hate to have it triggered at startup , simply for ‘hacking’ this, I want the automation template to be correct in itself.
What would you do? Other than use the as_timestamp or Find the error in: automation last_triggered with now() or timestamp templates - #4 by petro? Can I take out the default(0) without pain. Seems not to hurt when triggered already, and not to do anything if not…
I need to fix both. The boiler switch seems to behave alright, but it is saved by the fact it triggers on the binary_sensor.workday_sensor, which is set on each startup, so the automation is triggered automatically… I think.
Edit triggering on workday cant be it. Ive added that to the automaton, without result, as I have done with all triggers of the boiler_switch… what is happening here? It keeps saying it never got triggered, even after adding the home assistant startup event… only a manual trigger causes it to showup in the dev-template.