Finding and Removing Data Points from History

I have an Ecobee thermostat and several remote sensors integrated with Home Assistant.
In the last couple days, I have had to turn off and on my furnace several times. Now my History graph for the thermostat temperature has some -500 F values that I want to remove:

I tried opening my database home-assistant_v2.db using DB Browser for SQLite to find and remove these values, but I cannot locate them anywhere. For example, I filtered for the specific time point (last_changed) in the screenshot above and there are no entities with a value of “-500” nor anything close to it:

Where can I find these values? Or how do I remove this bad data?

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Are you using HAOS? And if so, how did you access your DB without HA running? I have some bad data that I’d like to remove as well, but I can’t figure out how to shutdown HA while still leaving the OS running.

@123 Would love for you to chime in here. Is the solution you laid out in History-graph shows old unit of measurement - #2 by 123 still the recommended way to tackle this?