Fire Danger Rating

Thanks for reporting this. I just converted this custom component to async and made it compatible with version 0.117. Could you please test if you get a chance?

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Great working again thanks. Have you thought about adding this to HACS? Would increase visibility a lot!

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Yep, good idea. I started a new repository for this integration and am in the process of making it compatible with HACS.

Found your custom repo and added it to HACS. I can’t install it because it’s set to HA version 0.117.0 and I’m on beta till 117 is released this week. Will this not run on 0.116?

Making this compatible with 0.116 and 0.117 would be quite a bit of effort, due to the change of a dependent component to async. So, I thought to provide a HACS repository for 0.117+ only.
I still have to do a bit more testing in my own dev environment…

ah no worries. I thought it might be something like that. Pretty sure if I was on right version of HA it would work as I can add the custom repo and it’s seeing the component…

Good news: You can now install this custom component via HACS.

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now that the new Fire Danger Rating system has been released by AFAC with its simplified messages. i wonder how much of this is going to break with the RFS RSS feed

more info here
AFAC | Australian Fire Danger Rating System


and from the training material, the “simplified” messages (in bold) to go along with the new signage and what it all means

Good question, I’ll keep an eye on the feed once it is actually updated again. As long as only the labels change, the integration should work as expected because I am just passing through the values from the feed.

The visualisation however is of course going to break because it is built on the previous labels.

looks like the feed is ok and it is only the labels changing. i can see in the XML the fire danger has been set to none for my area and it comes through into HA. Just have to change some of my automations now

In Sydney it’s “MODERATE” at the moment, and the value is indeed just passed through.

Is the multi-day forecast on the RFS website new, or have I just not seen it previously?

Good find. I think this is new and this page uses a new feed that I hadn’t seen before:

In addition to “today” and “tomorrow”, it also has “day3” and “day4” values. I’ll see if I can switch the integration to that new feed.

this a new update

some pre made imagery at My Bushfire Plan WA: The Fire Danger Rating System has changed

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Good news, I released a new version of this custom integration (via HACS) which now allows you to choose the “extended” feed that has a 4 day forecast. I decided to keep the standard feed there as an option, primarily because the standard (2 day forecast) feed is the official feed documented on the RFS’s website, while the extended feed is just on the website and might change at any time.

Switching from the standard to the extended feed requires you to delete the integration and then add it selecting the extended option.

Thanks for finding those images. They can be used as drop-in replacement for the conditional card that was previously published in this thread. Example:

  - card:
      entity: sensor.greater_sydney_region_danger_level_today
      image: /local/icons/fire_danger/fdr-no-rating.svg
      show_name: false
      show_state: false
      type: picture-entity
      - entity: sensor.greater_sydney_region_danger_level_today
        state: None
    type: conditional
  - card:
      entity: sensor.greater_sydney_region_danger_level_today
      image: /local/icons/fire_danger/fdr-moderate.svg
      show_name: false
      show_state: false
      type: picture-entity
      - entity: sensor.greater_sydney_region_danger_level_today
        state: Moderate
    type: conditional
  - card:
      entity: sensor.greater_sydney_region_danger_level_today
      image: /local/icons/fire_danger/fdr-high.svg
      show_name: false
      show_state: false
      type: picture-entity
      - entity: sensor.greater_sydney_region_danger_level_today
        state: High
    type: conditional
  - card:
      entity: sensor.greater_sydney_region_danger_level_today
      image: /local/icons/fire_danger/fdr-extreme.svg
      show_name: false
      show_state: false
      type: picture-entity
      - entity: sensor.greater_sydney_region_danger_level_today
        state: Extreme
    type: conditional
  - card:
      entity: sensor.greater_sydney_region_danger_level_today
      image: /local/icons/fire_danger/fdr-catastrophic.svg
      show_name: false
      show_state: false
      type: picture-entity
      - entity: sensor.greater_sydney_region_danger_level_today
        state: Catastrophic
    type: conditional
type: vertical-stack
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Just a thank you to exxamalte and other contributors from Budgong - All updated to the new RFS system for the bush property. Just in time for another La Nina year. I’m not complaining though!

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Thanks heaps for finding those images! And thanks exxamalte for the update. A bunch of new notifications ect are being written as we speak

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I played around with the colors of the icons and also the icons themselves, just to make things a bit more visual

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.fire_danger_illawarra_shoalhaven_danger_level_today
    name: Fire Danger Today
    card_mod: null
    style: |
      :host {
            {% if states(config.entity) == 'Extreme' or states(config.entity) == "Catastrophic" %}
            {% elif states(config.entity) == 'None' or states(config.entity) == 'High' or states(config.entity) == Moderate %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
  - entity: sensor.fire_danger_illawarra_shoalhaven_danger_level_tomorrow
    name: Fire Danger Tomorrow
    card_mod: null
    style: |
      :host {
            {% if states(config.entity) == 'Extreme' or states(config.entity) == "Catastrophic" %}
            {% elif states(config.entity) == 'None' or states(config.entity) == 'High' or states(config.entity) == Moderate %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
  - entity: binary_sensor.fire_danger_illawarra_shoalhaven_fire_ban_today
    name: Fire Ban Today
    card_mod: null
    style: |
      :host {
            {% if states(config.entity) == 'on' %}
            {% elif states(config.entity) == 'off' %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if states(config.entity) == 'off' %}
            {% elif states(config.entity) == 'on' %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
  - entity: binary_sensor.fire_danger_illawarra_shoalhaven_fire_ban_tomorrow
    name: Fire Ban Tomorrow
    card_mod: null
    style: |
      :host {
            {% if states(config.entity) == 'on' %}
            {% elif states(config.entity) == 'off' %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if states(config.entity) == 'off' %}
            {% elif states(config.entity) == 'on' %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
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