Firebase Cloud Messaging


Google has announced that Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) is deprecated, and that we should move across to Firebase Cloud messaging (FCM)

Can we get the ball rolling on this? I tried to look into code to start working on a pull request but could quite figure out where the registrations happen…

Once we get this going, it would be great if we could start working on Device Group messaging, as this is great for multiple device notifications (think your phone, desktop and ipad, all being in sync and no stale/outdated notifications)



Iam using a custom notification based on googles fcm.

See: Custom android notification

If there is someone helping on this, i would join do make it possible for the community to use :slight_smile:

I’m new to Home Assistant, but have some Android and Java background. I use FCM heavily in my apps. Just wondering why html5 notifications require my raspberry pi to be accessible from the internet. Here is how FCM works for example in javafx desktop app (as push notifications sender): i just take fcm admin sdk, setup some boilerplate, add api keys etc, no outside accessibility required! I just send the message to the google servers and thats it. Recipients receive their push notifications accordingly. I wish we can achieve same flow on the Hass. Just trigger some google’s POST endpoint and wait until it delivers to our android devices.

After some googling I’ve found something promising

FCM suport with actionable notifications :slight_smile:

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