First ESPHome Custom Sensor ZMPT101B Voltage Sensor

Could you suggest the name of the CT clamp that works well?

Actually not true., This is a voltage sensor not a current clamp. Similar concept but different device.

Apologies. I was confused here.

I use ZMPT101B with D1 mini board.

  • VCC to 5V
  • Both GND to GND
  • OUT to A0 (only analog pin on D1)

update_interval: where to change? if i want 60 sec

Could you suggest the update_interval: where to change? if i want 60 sec?

I want 3 phase votage data so , I am try with ESP32 with GPIO34 but reading is around 4000 V and same thing working ok with D1 mini
SO what is the problem with ESP32? Please help me about, Thank you.

Can u tell me this code work prefect for zmpt101b with esphome