Flashable UK smart plugs

So zero flash failures out of 20/24?

3 failures out of 24. I sent them back on R.M.A and the new set of 4 flashed without issue

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I missed your question. Yes I sure did - one I got to come back to fast flash so I could try again

The other 3 essentially were dead. The led would light up flash for about 1 second and then nothing. Lights out and no reset sequence I could try would get any life back.

After about 2 hours of google and plugging in and out 6 times in 10 second cycles and all other quack sequences I gave up

Then I looked at the option on return and purchased a replacement box of 4


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hi guys,
I’ve successfully flashed my first plug to run esphome.
I brought a UP111 gave it a static IP address both in my router and on the plug, yet I’ve noticed it will randomly become unavailable for anything between 5 - 20secs. is this common or have i missed something.

Check your WiFi and use ESPhome to stream the logs so you can try observing what is happening. It’s not normal.

It also maybe the device in a crash reboot cycle do to some issue in the config/build

I’ve moved this over to a new topic

hope someone can help

Such a great thread. I have bought 12 gosund usp111 plugs, only flashed the one straight to esphome and worked with no issues. Going to flash the rest but have a couple of questions.

  1. I’ve used Damian’s config (thank you) and wondered if anyone knew how I could hide certain options (like all the power readings) under a parent label in home assistant? Is it a simple case of adding another key in the yaml?

  2. how do I integrate the plug into Google home/assistant? Is it via IFTTT?

Thanks all!

Hi I am using these Gosund smartkit UP111 These have different markings the first 4 had something like d:a38 (various 2 digit numbers) the later ones have a date such as May 2021.

They all flash fine with TuyaConvert. If you have an iPad use it to connect to the vflash access point, i find it keeps the connection where a phone seems to drop it after a short time.

The chart here is a history plot from HA and has 8 Gosund UP111’s Voltage recorings over the last 24 hours. It shows 2 things first is that the grid voltage changes over time, it’s similar to the power demand curve for Ireland the dip at 6pm is where grid demand is at it’s highest.

The other thing it shows is how badly i calibrated Energy02 and where I recalibrated it at 1am. You can stack these I put 2 on the same load so they were receiving the same supply voltage as it will vary depending on where you plugin in your house. Your household wiring has a resistance and the longer the wire the larger the resistance and voltage drop. Voltage drop in UK ring main if you are interested. Uk wiring rega allow for a voltage drop of up to 5% (11.5 volts).

What are the implications of this? Well for one the power draw from your mains supply will be greater than your appliances actually use as some will be just warming up your household wiring a little and there will be some voltage drop registered at the sockets, the higher the load the greater it will be.
Screen Shot 2021-08-20 at 11.16.30 AM

On the plus side on a lightly loaded circuit 2.5mm twin and earth has a voltage drop of 18mV per meter per amp so say 10 meter cable would be 180mV at 1 amp about 230 watts so can be ignored if there isn’t much current flowing. Which is good if you need a voltage reference.


I’ve just picked up some Gosund UP111 and successfully flashed the first one with Tasmota. I’m having problems getting it to connect to MQTT though. I followed the guide here - Home Assistant Tasmota Integration (HOW-TO) - YouTube
I’m seeing the following error in the Tasmota console - “MQT: Connect failed to, rc -2. Retry in 30 sec”

I think that’s an authentication error. I’ve double checked everything but just can’t get it to connect. Can anyone share their config or provide a bit of help?

Cancel that. After some more forum delving I found the solution. Tasmota had pre-populated http:// at the front of the MQTT address in the config. I assumed that this was correct. Turns out it isn’t. So, in case anyone else comes across this problem, make sure the IP address of the MQTT broker in Tasmota is just a plain ip address, not an http URL.

Also, 4 plugs bought in a pack. Manufacture dates on plugs varied 05/2021 & 06/2021. All flashed successfully but one took multiple attempts (not sure why).

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Thanks for the update.

Just bought some Gosund UP111’s and flashed to ESP Home.

How is everyone calibrating them? I’ve used the config from this page which already has some calibration values defined, although no idea if they will be accurate or not.

Hi, I am looking for some advice - I have couple of Maxcio W-UK007S plugs flashed with ESPHome. They work great but I was wondering if there is a way of disabling the power ON/OFF button on couple of them. Reason for that is that they will be powering devices that are on 24/7.
I am guessing that the bit I need to change is this:

# Device Specific Config
  # Push Button (Toggles Relay When Pressed)
  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO13
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: true
    name: "${friendly_name} Button"
      - switch.toggle: relay
  - platform: status
    name: "${friendly_name} Server Status"

but I have no idea what should I put there.
My config is based on this one:

Thanks in advance

Either comment out or delete this bit:

  # Push Button (Toggles Relay When Pressed)
  - platform: gpio
      number: GPIO13
      mode: INPUT_PULLUP
      inverted: true
    name: "${friendly_name} Button"
      - switch.toggle: relay

So you are left with:

# Device Specific Config
  - platform: status
    name: "${friendly_name} Server Status"

Perfect, that did the trick.
Thank you

Last week I purchase another batch of 4 Maxico W-UK007S plugs from Amazon and unfortunately they are no longer flashable with tuya-convert - apparently the firmware is too new. So they are going back.

I was looking for Gosund UP111 plugs but they are no longer available on amazon.

Has anyone had recently success with finding UK smart plug with power metering that will flash easily?

I bought some 2Nice UP111 (think they are the same as Grosund) plugs on eBay a couple of weeks ago. They flashed no problem.

Check out Athom. They come preflashed with Tasmota or ESPhome. They also have a built in fuse.

EDIT: Can’t recommend these any more, 4 out of 4 of mine have failed in only 9 months and they won’t replace them, they want me to buy some more at half price !

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I’ve had three of the above purchased from Ali express and can confirm they work perfectly